
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets

Plantation & Fruit Crops

Crop-specific termite management in various fruit crop orchard/fields


About 20 species were reported in mango, and documented 66% trees infested by Odontotermes wallonensis in UP, similar attack in Karnataka. Tree trunks and branches are often found with termite mud tunnels. Earthen sheeting is made on branches of small trees by Odontotermes sp.


Termite mound in and around the orchard to be eliminated. Mud tunnels are to be removed, affected portions are to be cleaned and applied with termiticides. Tree-basin may be drenched with soil-insecticides like chlorpyriphos/imidacloprid solution. Alternatively go for granular application of fipronil (0.3% @ 25 kg/ha) followed by a light irrigation. Swabbing affected tree trunks with coal tar admixed with termiticides.


Odontotermes obesus and Microtermes obesi are major attackers; they feed on roots and stem bases near the ground level. Severely infested trees often dry.


Mud galleries on tree trunk should be scraped off and treated. Apply chloriphyriphos @ 3-5 ml/liter of water; should be well mixed with soil around the tree basins using hand hoes.


Termites enter vines through pruning wounds or through partly decayed trunks or roots and cause severe damage.


In nursery beds at intervals, soil should be treated with termiticides. Dead and diseased vines should be removed from the vineyard and all exposed areas should be painted with preservative coating. Base of trellis should be soaked with coaltar creosote before using in field.


Odontotermes obesus is the common attacker of guava in western India.


Land should be thoroughly ploughed. Pits of 60 x 60 x 60cm are to be dug at a spacing of 5-6 m distance in summer season. Pits should be filled with 20-25kg FYM, 500g SSP, 1kg neem cake.


Odonotermes obesus is reported as pest of pomegranate in India.


Well decomposed organic manuring to be used. Dead and decaying matter or dry stubbles should be removed from the field. Soil-application with Quinalphos 1.5% or methyl parathion 2% dust @25 kg/ha to be done before planting.


Odontotermes sp. is reported as a serious pest of Cassava from southern and south western India.


During preparatory cultivation land should be ploughed 4-5 times to a depth of 30-35 cm. FYM 12.5 t/ha, should be applied in the last ploughing along with 375 kg super phosphate (60kg P2O5 ). Land should be prepared into flat beds with good drainage channels.


In India most coconut trees are found to be attacked by subterranean termites. Seedlings are attacked through the nut or at the base of the young shoot, older palms through trunk to crown; affected seedlings wither and die.


Termite mound elimination. Field sanitation by disposal of organic matter in nursery soil should be done. Germinating nuts should be covered with a layer of river sand. Drenching the nursery with 0.05% chlorpyriphos twice at 20-25 days interval, swabbing affected trunk with the same chemical – are strongly suggested.












                 Coconut seedlings in sand bed                                                                          Termite infested seed-nut

Last Updated: 27-03-2024

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