
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets

Mound Treatment

Destroy termitaria (termite mounds in the vicinity of fields and treat the spot with chlorpyriphos sprays at community level in villages/farms. Though dequeening (=killing the queen) in the termitaria kills the entire colony, practically it is not always possible. If mounds are available then care must be taken accordingly.

Elimination of the termite mound

Mounds are permanent abodes of termite where they multiply and become a continuous source of termite attack. Thus, it becomes necessary to destroy these termite mounds as a first step to check the termite attack. The generally accepted chemical method of termite control over the years has been liquid insecticides. However chemicals can be expensive and have manyharmful effects to environment.One should know which mound is active and needs control. After the rainfall in its season, the fresh mound growth can well be marked on the mounds.

Quick and complete extermination of the mound-colony at low cost can be achieved by treating the mounds by pouring in, through a funnel, water suspension of insecticides, through two or three holes in the mound. The minimum rate is 9 litre of liquid per 10 cu. ft. (2.8 cu.m) of mound volume. For sub-cylindrical mounds, as in O.obesus following height-liquid ratio may is maintained: 

Chlorpyriphos 20%EC (2-3 ml/L water) and imidacloprid 17.8%SL (1 ml/L water) is the liquid solution to be poured into the mounds.

Height of mound

Dose: Litres of insecticide solution in water

1-2 feet

2 – 4

3 feet

4 – 5

4 feet

20 - 25

5 feet

45 - 50

6 feet

80 – 85

We can control the mounds without use of harmful liquid chemicals:


  • The regular disturbance through cracking prevents termites from building extensive mounds. Manual and explosive destruction of nests followed by the removal of the queen is also effective.
  • Manual digging, collecting queen(s) and killing.
  • By smoking the mound is a traditional method of termitarium control.

Smoking - a traditional way of dequeening

Destruction of termitaria in and around the field and treatment of the spot with termiticides at the village/ community level is a promising method of termite control. Dequeening may kill the entire colony, but it has practical problem of implication. Rapid and complete extermination of mound could be achieved by treating the mound by pouring in, through funnel, water suspension of termiticides.

Active termitaium may be checked by examining the fresh soil/mud growth on the mound surface. Pasive mounds are not necessary to destroy chemically. Just manual detopping will suffice, of course close monitoring is suggeted for any possiblity of reappearance of termites.


Mango orchard mound elimination - a success

Here is a clip demonstrating, mound elimination in mango orchard at IARI Farm. The mango orchard was having a big mound, multiple attemps to destroy was in vain for 4-5 years. Our Termite Control Team (IARI) took this task seriously. The mound tops were levelled to the ground. The termitarium opening were poured in with termiticidal water (400-500 litres) using a tractmount inseticide injector; and then a granular (Fipronil 3%G) application was done before plugging the opening. It was observed, for the next three years, the clony could not reinfest or revive, the termite colony was totally eliminated.


Last Updated: 27-03-2024

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