
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets


Reports from National Fellow Project

  1. Mahapatro GK (2015) Extension Proposal & Comprehensive Report, ICAR National Fellow Project (Title: Environmentally Sustainable Termite Control: Integrative & Inclusive Approach of Frontier and Indigenous Technologies, p.146.

  2. Mahapatro GK (2015) Comprehensive Report, 2011-2015. ICAR National Fellow Project (Title: Environmentally Sustainable Termite Control: Integrative & Inclusive Approach of Frontier and Indigenous Technologies, p.32.

  3. Mahapatro GK (2014) National Fellow ICAR Project (Title: Environmentally Sustainable Termite Control: Integrative & Inclusive Approach of Frontier and Indigenous Technologies) Annual Report, 2013-14. p.67+(xxi).

  4. Mahapatro GK (2013) National Fellow ICAR Project (Title: Environmentally Sustainable Termite Control: Integrative & Inclusive Approach of Frontier and Indigenous Technologies) Annual Report, 2012-13. p.46+(iii).

  5. Mahapatro GK (2012) National Fellow ICAR Project Annual Report 2011-12. p.21+(v).


  1. Mahapatro GK (2014) Termites - an ideal model of selective and opportunistic r and K strategist caste system (Lead paper). In: National Symposium on Entomology as a Science and IPM as a Technology- the way forward, November 14-15, College of Horticulture and Forestry Central Agricultural University, Pasighat 791002, Arunachal Pradesh.

  2. Mahapatro GK (2016) Integrated Pest Management in floriculture for urban and rural prosperity. Pp.38-48. Souvenir & Abstracts. In: Silver Jubilee National Conference on Floriculture and Landscaping for Urban & Rural Prosperity, Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, 28-29 February, 2016, ICAR – IARI, New Delhi. 162p.

  3. Mahapatro GK (2012) Push-pull strategy for termite management. Pp. 47-54. Souvenir. In: 3rd National Symposium on Eco-friendly approaches to pest management for sustainable agriculture. SPPE, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 24-25 Nov 2012. 

  4. Mahapatro GK and Sachin Kumar (2012) Termite management courses: national need in teaching and research front.In: National Conference on Factors Affecting Teaching and Research and Strategies to Improve Quality in Higher Education. BHU, Mirzapur (UP), 28-29 Feb. 2012

  5. Mahapatro GK (2011) Environmentally sustainable termite control. Invited Lead Paper. In:  3rd Congress on Insect Science, April 18-20, 2011, INSAIS, PAU, Ludhiana, India.





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