
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets


  1. Abe, Y. 1937a. Notes on the relations between the temperature and the distribution of oriental termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, in Japan. (In Japanese.) Kontyu, 11: 137.

  2. Abe,1937b. On the distribution of the oriental termite, Coptermes formosanus Shiraki, in Japan. Science Reports of the Tohoku University (Biology), (4)11: 463-472, 3 maps.

  3. Ahmad, M. 1949. On the identity of Odontotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae). American Museum Novitates, No. 1392: 1-11.

  4. Ahmad, M. 1950. The phylogeny of termite genera based on imago-worker mandibles. Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 95 (Art. 2): (1-6) + 43-86.

  5. Ahmad, M. 1953.Two new cases of introduction of termites. Spolia zeylanica, 27(1): 35-36.s

  6. Ahmad, M. 1955a. A new termite from East Pakistan (Isoptera: Termitidae). Biologia, (Lahore), 1(1): 25-27.

  7. Ahmad, M.1955b.Termites of  West Pakistan. Biologia (Lahore), 1(2): 202-264.

  8. Ahmad, M. 1958a. Key to Indomalayan termites. (Part 1.) Biologia (Lahore), 4(1): 33-118.

  9. Ahmad, M. 1958b. Key to Indomalayan termites. (concluded). Biologia (Lahore), 4(2):119-198 + i – xii (index)

  10. Ahmad, M. 1962. Termite fauna of  West Pakistan. In Termites in the Humid Tropics: (Proceedings of New Delhi Symposium, 1960): 67-68. Paris (Unesco).

  11. Ahmad, M. 1963. On the phylogenetic position of  Indotermes, with description of a new species (Isoptera, Termitidae). Annals and Magazine of natural history, (13)6, pp. 395-399.

  12. Ahmad, M. 1965. Termites (Isoptera) of  Thailand.  Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 131(Art. 1): 1-113.

  13. Ahmad, M.1968. Termites of Malaysia 1. Nasute genera related to Subulitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae). Bulletin of the Department of Zoology, University of Punjab (New Series), Art. 3: 1-34.

  14. Ahmad, M. and Akhtar, M.S. 1981. New termite genera of the Capritermes Complex from Malaysia, with a note on the status of Pseudocapritermes (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 13(1 & 2): 1-21.

  15. Akhtar, M.S. 1974a. New termites from Pakistan. Biologia (Lahore), 20(1): 23-61.

  16. Akhtar, M.S. 1974b. Zoogeography of the termites of Pakistan. Pakistan Juornal of  Zoology, 6: 85-104.

  17. Akhtar, M.S. 1975. Taxonomy and zoogeography of the termites (Isoptera) of Bangadesh. Bulletin of the Department of Zoology of University of Punjab, (New Series)Art. 7:161-170( but in 1st vol: I- 1-199).

  18. Akhtar, M.S. 1976. Descriptions of hitherto unknown imagos of termites (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 8(2): 159 – 165.

  19. Akhtar, M.S. 1977. Preliminary observations on the development of the Incipient colony of Odontotermes lokanandi Chatterjee and Thakur, with a description of the hitherto unknown imago caste. Biologia (Lahore), 23: 173-177.

  20. Akhtar, M.S. 1979. On a palaearctic termite genus Anacanthotermes Jacobson (Isoptera) in Pakistan.  Biologia (Lahore), 25: 161-170.

  21. Akhtar, M.S. and Praveen, S. 1989. Taxonomy of worker caste of termites (Isoptera) of Lahore. Punjab University Journal of Zoology, 4: 1 – 29.

  22. Ampion, M. 1980. Les Glandes Tergales des Imagos de Termites: Etude Comparative et Signification Evolutive. Doctoral Thesis (3e grade) University of Dijon, Dijon (viii) + 107 pp. Summary in Termite Abstracts, 1(4): 1 (1981).

  23. Ampion, M. and Quennedy, A. 1980. L’evolution des glandes tergales et sternale dans la phylogenese de termites. (Abstracts) In International Symposium on Biosystematics of Society Insects (Paris, Jan. 1980): 25. Paris (International Union for Study of the Social Insects).

  24. Annandale, N. 1923. The habits of the termites of Barkuda. Record of the Indian Museum, 25(2): 233-252, 2 pls.

  25. Araujo, R. L. 1977. Catalogo dos Isoptera do Novo Mundo: 1-92.

  26. Ayyar, T.V.R. 1940. Handbook of Economic Entomology for South India. viii + 1 + 528 p. Madras. (Suprintendent of Government Printing, Madras). (Reprited 1984, New Delhi: International Books and Periodical Supply Service).

  27. Banks, N. 1919. Antillean Isoptera. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Havard college, 62(110): 475-489, 2 pls.

  28. Banks, N. and Snyder, T.E. 1920. A revisión of the nearctic termites with notes on biology and geopgraphic distribution. Bulletin of the United States national Museum, No. 108: 1-228.

  29. Basalingappa, S. 1971. Association of Speculitermes cyclops, Dicuspiditermes (Capritermes) incola and an undetermined species of  Microtermes with Odontotermes assmuthi. Indian zoologist, 2:67-72.

  30. Basalingappa, S. 1974. Swarming behaviour of the temite Odontotermes assmuthi Holmgren. Journal  of Karnataka University -Science, 19: 69-79.

  31. Bathellier J. 1927. Contribution a 1’ etude systematique et biologique des termites de 1’Indochine. Faune colon,Francaises, 1(4): 4 + 125 – 365, 13 pls.

  32. Becker, G. 1975. Heterotermes indicola (Insecta, Isoptera) damaging wood in buildings at Kathmandu (Nepal). Material u. Organismen, 10: 260-275.

  33. Beeson, C.F.C. 1941. The Ecology and Control of the Forest Insects of India and the Neighbouring Countries. ii + 1007 pp., many figures. Dehra Dun (Vasant Press). (Reprint 1961, 8 + 10 + 767 pp. Manager of Public, Government of India, Delhi).

  34. Bose, Geeta, 1975 Two new species of Odontotermes (Isoptera: Termitidae) from southern  India. Oriental Insects, 9(2): 157-164.

  35. Bose, Geeta, 1976. A further record of Neotermes andamanesis Snyder, the little known termite of the Andmans. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 2(3): 104.

  36. Bose, Geeta, 1979. A new species from India of the termite genus Procryptotermes Homgren (Kalotermitidae), with a description of the hitherto unknown imago of P. dhari Roonwal and Chhotani. Bulletin of the zoological Survey of India, 2(1): 53-59.

  37. Bose, Geeta, 1980. A further contribution to the study of termite fauna of Andman and Nicobar Islands. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 77: 93-109.

  38. Bose, Geeta, 1984. Termite fauna of Southern India. Occasional Papers on Records of the zoological Survey of India, No. 49: ix + 1-270+ 1 pp.

  39. Bose, Geeta, 1992a. A new genus of nasutiform termite from North-eastern India. Journal of the zoological Society of India, 42(1 & 2): 73-79.

  40. Bose, Geeta, 1992b, An unusual case of mound construction by the termite Odontotermes feae. (Wasmann). Records of the zoological Survey of India, 92: 19-22, 1 pl.

  41. Bose, Geeta and Das, B.C. 1982. Termite fauna of Orissa, eastern India. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 80(1-2): 197-213, 1 flanged. table.

  42. Bose, Geeta and Das, B.C. 1987. Insecta: Isoptera (A check-list). Fauna of Orissa. Part 1: State Fauna Sr. 1: 103-111.

  43. Bose, Geeta and Maiti, P.K. 1966. A new species of Eurytermes Wasmann (Insecta: Isoptera). Proceedings of the zoological Society of Calcutta, 19: 115-120.

  44. Bose, Geeta and Maiti, P.K. 1976. Genus Prorhinotermes Silvestri from the Indian mainland. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 2(1): 15-16.

  45. Bose, Geeta and Roy, P. H. 1984.On a small collection of termites (Isoptera, Insecta) from Bangladesh, with notes on distribution. Bulletin of the zoological Survey of India, 5(2-3): 189-190.

  46. Bouillon, A. and Mathot, G. 1965. Quel est ce termite Africain ? Zooleo, No. 1: 1-115.

  47. Bouillon, A. and Mathot, G. 1966. Quel est ce termite Africain ? Zooleo, No. 1, Supplementry 1: 1-23, tab.

  48. Bouillon, A. and Mathot, G. 1971. Qule est ce termite Africain ? Zooleo, No. 1, Supplementry 2: 1-48, table.

  49. Brauer, F. 1865. Funfter bericht uber die auf der Weltfahrt der kais. Fregatte Novara gesammeltern Neuropteren. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch – botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 15: 975-978.

  50. Brauer, F. 1866. Reise der osterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair, Zoologischer Theil. Band 2 (Abth. 1, Art. 4). Neuropter., pp. 1-104, 2 pls. Vienna (kais. – konig. Hof-u. Staats-druckeri).

  51. Brulle, A. 1832. Des animaux articules. Expedition Scientifique Moree, 3(1) (Zoologe): 66, 100. (Order Isopteres.)

  52. Bugnion, E. 1912. Eutermes lacustris n. sp. de Ceylan. Revue suisse de Zoologie, 20(8): 487-505, 2 pls.

  53. Bugnion, E. 1913a. Les termites de Ceylan avec quelques indications sur la distribution geograhique de ces isectes. La Globe (Memoirs), 52: 24-58, 8 pls.

  54. Bugnion. E. 1913b. Liste des termites indomalais, avec I’ indication du nombre des articles des antennes dans les trois castes. Bulletin da la Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles, 49(180): 165-172.

  55. Bugnion. E. 1914. Le Termitogeton umbilicatus Hag. (de Ceylan). (Corrodentia, Termitidae.) Annales de la Societe entomologique de France, 83(1): 39-47, 1 pl.

  56. Bugnion, E. 1914a. Eutermes kotuae nov. sp. de Ceylan. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique Suisse, 12: 193-200, 3 pls.

  57. Bugnion, E. 1914b. L’ imago de L’ Eutermes lacustris de Ceylan. Spolia Zeylanica, 9(35): 149-154, 2 pls.

  58. Bugnion, E. 1914c. Eutermes Hantanae Holmgren de Ceylan. Spolia Zeylanica, 9(35): 155-162, 2 pls.

  59. Bugnion. E. 1915. Le biologie des termites de Ceylan. (Corrodentia, Termitidae). Bulletin du Museum national d’histoire naturelle, 20(4) (1914): 170-204, 8 pls.

  60. Bugnion, E. and Ferriere, C. 1911. L’imago du Coptotermes flavus. Larvae protant des rudiments d’ailes prothoraciques. Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France, 24(7): 97-106, 2 pls.

  61. Bugnion, E. and Popoff, N. 1910a. Le termite a latex de Ceylan (Coptotermes travians Haviland). Avec un appendice comprenant la descrition des Cototermes Gestroi Wasm. et flavus nov. sp. Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France, 23(8): 107-123, 2 pls.

  62. Bugnion, E. and Popoff, N. 1910b. Les Calotermes de Ceylan. Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France, 23(9): 124-144, 3 pls.

  63. Chatterjee, P. N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1962.Odontotermes paralatigula, a new species of termite from Burma (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 59(3): 822-826.

  64. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1963a. Biology and ecology of oriental termites (Isoptera). Some observations on Sarvaritermes faveolus Chtterjee & Thakur (Isoptera: Stylotermitidae). Indian Forester, 89(9): 635-637, 1 pl.

  65. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1963b. Revision of the termite genus Hypotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) from the Indo-malayan Region. Indian Forestry Records 9 (New Series) Entomology, 10(9): 171-203.

  66. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M.L. 1964a. Contributions to the knowledge of the systematics of Himalayan (North-western) termite fauna- II. Description of Microcerotermes rambanensis sp. nov. (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae) from Kashmir. Bulletin of Entomology No.5: 1-6.

  67. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1964b. Revision of the termite genus Microtermes Wasmann (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae). Indian Forestry Records (New Series) Entomology, 10(11): 219-260.

  68. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1964c. A new species of Angulitermes from North India (Isoptira: Termitidae: Termitinae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 61(2): 348-353, 3 pls.

  69. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M.L. 1964d. Sarvaritermes faveolus gen. et. sp. nov. from Kulu Valley (Punjab: India) [Isoptera], with a discussion on the systematic position and relationship of the family Stylotermitidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 173(2): 149-162.

  70. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1965. Doonitermes capillosus gen. et sp. nov.from Doon Valley (Uttar Pradesh, India) (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae), Science and Culture, 31(12): 646-647.

  71. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1966a. Donitermes capillosus gen. et sp. nov. from DoonValley  (Uttar Pradesh, India) (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 176(5): 349-357.

  72. Chatterjee, P. N. and Thakur, M. L. 1966b. Description of the hitherto unknown imago caste of Euhamitermes lighti Snyder with description of other castes. Indian Forest Bulletin, No. 256: 1-11.

  73. Chatterjee, P.N. Thakur, M. L. 1967. Contributions to the knowledge of systematics of North-Western Himalayan termite fauna (Insecta: Isoptera). III. Systematic account of the Survey. Indian Forest Records (New Series) (Entomology), 11(1): 1-57.

  74. Chatterjee, P.N. Thakur, M. L. 1968. On a Collection of termites from Daman. Indian Forester, 94(7): 560-567.

  75. Chatterjee, P.N. Thakur, M. L. 1969. A new species of Nasutitermes (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) from Doon Valley, India. Bulletin of Systematic Zoology, Calcutta, 1(2): 57-65

  76. Chatterjee, P.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1963. A new genus Beesonitermes from India (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Journal of the Timber Dryers and Preservers Association, 9(2): 20-26.

  77. Chatterjee, P.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1964. A new species of the genus Grallatotermes from India (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Indian Forester, 90(4): 210-214.

  78. Chaudhry, M.I., et al. 1972. Termites of Pakistan: Identity, Distribution and Ecological Relationships. (Final Technical Report.) xiv + 70 + 3pp. + 15 pls. + 2 pp. (errata) + 81 pp. (figs.) + 3 pp. (index). Peshawar (Pakistan Forest Institute). PL-480 programme. [ Both West Pakistan and East Pakistan (Bangladsh). 36 genera and 89 species listed. One n. g., 33 n. sp., all are nomena nuda; but distribution and habits given ]

  79. Chhotani, G. (nee Bose, G.). 1970. Termite fauna of southern India No. 1. Kalotermitidae. Proceedings of 57th Session of Indian Science Congress (Kharagpur, 1970, Pt. 3, Abstract): 438.

  80. Chhotani, O.B. 1959. Biological observations on the termite Kalotermes beesoni Gardner. Abstracts of Papers by 1st All-India Congress of Zoology(Jabalpur, 1959): 43-44.

  81. Chhotani, O.B. 1962a. Biological observations on the termite Kalotermes beesoni Gardner. Proceedings of the 1st All-India Congress of Zoology (Jabalpur, 1959), pt. 2, (Science Papers): 476-478, 1 pl.

  82. Chhotani, O.B. 1962b. Further observations on biology and parthenogenesis in the termite Kalotermes beesoni (Kalotermitidae). In Termites in Humid Tropics (Proceedings of the New Delhi Symposium, 1960): 73-75. Paris (Unesco).

  83. Chhotani, O.B. 1963. The termite Cryptotermes havilandi (Sjostedt) from the interior of India. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 60(1): 287-288, 1pl.

  84. Chhotani, O.B. 1970. Taxonomy, zoogeography and phylogeny of the genus Cryptotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from the Oriental Region. Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France,, 15(1): 2 + ii + 1-81.

  85. Chhotani, O.B. 1971. The imago of the termite Naustitermes indicola (Isoptera: Termitidae), and nesting habits of the species, Records of the zoological Survey of India, 63(1-4): 223-229, 3 pls.

  86. Chhotani, O.B. 1972. Problems of taxonomy of the Indian termites. In Termite Problems in India (Edited By M.L. Roonwal): 22-27. New Delhi (Council of Scientific and industrial Research).

  87. Chhotani,O.B. 1975a. A new species of Euhamitermes and the imago of Naustitermes garoensis from Arunachal Pradesh (Isoptera; Termitidae), Oriental Insects, 9(2): 149-155.

  88. Chhotani, O.B. 1975b. Revision of the genus Glyptotermes Froggatt (Kalotermitidae, Isoptera, Insecta) from the Indian Region. Records of the zoologcal Survey of India, 60(1-4) (1970): 109-159.

  89. Chhotani, O.B. 1975b. Kalotermitidae of the Oriental Region: Its distribution and zoogeography. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 194 (1-2): 111-124

  90. Chhotani, O.B. 1976a. Report on a collection of termites from Tripura, eastern India. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 2(1): 12-13.

  91. Chhotani, O.B. 1976b. On the occurrence of the termite Cryptotermes dudleyi Banks in the interior on the mainland. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 2(5): 211-212.

  92. Chhotani, O.B. 1977a. Termites of Kanha National Park (Madhya Pradesh), India. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 72: 367-388, 5pls.

  93. Chhotani. O.B. 1977b. A review of taxonomy of Indian termites. Occassional Papers of the Records of the zoological Survey of India, No. 9,4 + 36 pp.

  94. Chhotani, O.B. 1977c. Distribution and zoogeography of the oriental termites of families Termopsidae, Hodotermitidae, Stylotermitidae and Rhinotermitidae. (Proeedings of 8th international Congress of  International  Union of  Studies of Social Insects, Wageningen, Sept. 1977) ( Edited by J. de Wilde), Wageningen: 116-117.

  95. Chhotani, O.B. 1979. A review of Oriental Rhinotermitidae and Stylotermitidae (Isoptera ). Abstracts of Workshop on Advertisement of Insect Taxon, India and Orient (Manali, Oct. 1979): 43-44.

  96. Chhotani, O.B. 1980. Termite pests of agriculture in the Indian region and their control. Technical Monograph-Zoological Survey of India, No. 4: 4 + 94, 7 pls.

  97. Chhotani, O.B. 1981. Soil termites of India. In: Progress in Soil Biology and Ecology in India (Edited by G.K. Veeresh): 229-236. Bangalore (University of Agricultural Science).

  98. Chhotani, O.B. 1983. A review of the Rhinotermitidae and Stylotermitidae (Isoptera) from the Oriental Region. Oriental Insects, 17: 109-125.

  99. Chhotani, O.B. 1985. Distribution and zoogeography of the Oriental termites of families Termopsidae, Hodotermitidae, Stylotermitidae and Rhinotermitidae. Zoologischer anzeiger, Entomology, 100: 88-95.

  100. Chhotani, O.B. 1986. Affinities of Indian North-eastern borderland termites with those from other parts of the Oriental Region. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 83 (3 & 4): 19-21.

  101. Chhotani, O.B. 1987. Distribution and zoogeography of Oriental Termitidae. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 37: 407-420.

  102. Chhotani, O.B. 1992. On the species Capritermes fletcheri Holmgren and Holmgren and Eutermes incola Wasmann (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae): Their status, descrption, etc. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 92: 293-310.

  103. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1973. Distribution of termites in relation to the ecology of the Indian Regioin. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 190(3-4): 231-236.

  104. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1979a. Nesting behaviour and nests of Indian termites. Zoologiana, No. 2: 16-25, 4 pls.

  105. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1979b. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Isoptera. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 1: 75-83.

  106. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1982. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Isoptera (Part 2). Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 4: 73-83.

  107. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1983. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Isoptera (Part 3). Distribution of Isoptera and their affinities with the termites from the Indian Desert and neighbouring countries. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 5: 121- 128.

  108. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1979-1985. Insects of Saudi Arabia. Isoptera (Parts 1-4). Fauna Saudi Arabia, 1: 75-83; 4: 73-83; 5: 121-128; and 7: 121-124.

  109. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1985. Fauna of Namdapha: Arunachal Pradesh. ‘A proposed Biosphere Reserve’. Insecta: Isoptera. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 82(1-4): 53-60.

  110. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1985a. Isoptera of Saudi Arabia (Part 4). Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 7: 121-124.

  111. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1985b. Fauna of Namdapha: Arunachal Pradesh ‘A proposed Biosphere Reserve’. Insecta: Isoptera. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 82(1-4): 53-60.

  112. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1987. Taxonomic remarks on the Indomalayan Microtermes Wasmann (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae). Bulletin of the zoological Survey of India, 8(1-3): 61-65.

  113. Chhotani, O.B. and Das, B.C. 1979. Variability in size and morphometric analysis of the soldier caste in Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) (Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae). Zoological Survey of India, Special Publication (Proceedings of Symposia), No. 1: 47-52.

  114. Chhotani, O.B. and Das, B.C. 1983. A review of the Indian species of the genus Reticulitermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Records of the zoological Survey of India, 80(3-4) (1982): 315-329.

  115. Coaton, W.G.H. and Sheasby, J.L, 1978. National survey of the Isoptera of southern Africa. 15. The genus Termes Linne (Termitidae: Termitinae). Department of Agriculture and Technology Survey of Entomology Monograph, No. 48: iv + 1-15.

  116. Desneux, J. 1902. Termites du Sahara Algerian recueillis par M. Le professeur Lameere.  Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 46(10): 436-440.

  117. Desneux, J. 1904. Isoptera, Family Termitidae. In Genera Insectorum (Edited by P. Wytsman), Fascicle  25: 52 pp., 2pls.

  118. Desneux, J. 1904a. Notes termitologiques. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 48(3): 146-151.

  119. Desneux, J. 1904b. A propos de la phylogenie des termitides. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique,  48(8): 278-286.

  120. Desneux, J. 1904c. Trois termites nouveaux. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 48(8): 286-289.

  121. Desneux, J. 1904d. Remarques critiques sur la phylogenie et la division systematique des termitides. (Reponse a M. Wasmann.) Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 48(10): 372-378.

  122. Desneux, J. 1904e. A new termite form India. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 15(3): 445-446.

  123. Desneux, J. 1904f. Isoptera, Family Termitidae. In Genera Insectrum (Editd by P. Wytsman), Fascicle  25: 52 pp., 2 pls.

  124. Desneux, J. 1906a. Varietes termitologiques. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 49(12) (1905): 336-360.

  125. Desneux, J. 1906b. The Kashmir termite, Termopsis wroughtoni. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 17(2): 293-298.

  126. Desneux, J. 1908. Varietes termitologiques. II Quelques especes nouvelles. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 51(12) (1907): 388-400.

  127. Desneux, J. 1918. Un nouveau type de nids de termites. Revue de Zoologie Africaine, 5(3): 307.

  128. Emerson, A. E. 1924. A new termite from the Juan Fernandez Islands (Swedish Exp. 1916-17). Natural History Jaun Fernandez and Easter Island, 3(3): 392-394.

  129. Emerson, A. E. 1928. Le development des sodats termites. Annales des Sciences naturelles (Botany et. Zoology), (10) 11: 261-284.

  130. Emerson, A. E. 1933. A revision of the genera of fossil and recent Termopsinae (Isoptera). University of California Publication (Entomology), 6(6): 1 + 165-198.

  131. Emerson, A. E. 1939. Report of the two cases of introduction of Coptotermes. (Typed note, 2 pp. C. javanicus, C. havilandi. Summary in Review of applied Entomology, (A)27: 384(1939).

  132. Emerson, A. E. 1942. The relations of a relic South African termite (Isoptera, Hodotermitidae, Stolotermes). American Museum Novitates ,No. 1187: 1-12.

  133. Emerson, A. E. 1945. The neotropical genus Syntermes(Isoptera, Termitidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 83(Art. 7): 427-472.

  134. Emerson, A. E. 1952. The biogeography of termites. Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 99 (Art. 3): 217-225.

  135. Emerson, A.E. 1955. Geographical origins and dispersions of termite genera. Fieldiana (Zoology), 37: 465-521.

  136. Emerson, A.E. 1959. The African termite genera Firmitermes, Halognathotermes, Acutidentitermes, Duplidentitermes and Heimitermes (Termitidae: Termitidae). American Museum Novitates, No. 1947: 1-42.

  137. Emerson, A.E. 1960. New genera of termites related to Subulitermes from the Oriental, Malagasy and Australian regions ( Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae). American Museum Novitates, No. 1986: 1-28.

  138. Emerson, A. E. 1965.A review of the Mastotermitidae (Isoptera), including a new fossil genus from Brazil. American Museum Novitates, No. 2236: 1-46.

  139. Emerson, A.E. 1967. Cretaceous insects from Labrador 3. A new genus and species of termite (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae). Psyche, 74(4): 276-289.

  140. Emerson, A.E. 1968. A revision of the fossil genus Ulmeriella (Isoptera, Hodotermitidae, Hodotermitinae). American Museum Novitates, No. 2332: 1-22.

  141. Emerson, A.E. 1969. A revision of the tertiary fossil species of the Kalotermitidae (Isoptera). American Museum Novitates, No. 2359: 1-57.

  142. Emerson, A.E. 1971. Tertiary fossil species of the Rhinotermitidae (Isoptera), Phylogeny of genera and reciprocal phylogeny of associated Flagellata (Protozoa) and the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 146(Art. 3): 243-303.

  143. Emerson, A.E. and Krishna, K. 1975. The termite family Serritermitidae (Isoptera). American Museum Novitates, No. 2570: 1-31.

  144. Enderlein, G. 1909. Die klassifikation der Embiidinen nebst morphologischen and physiologischen Bemerkungen besonders uber das Spinnen derselben. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 35(6): 166-191.

  145. Escherich, K. 1911. Termtenleben ouf Ceylon, Neue Studien zur Soziologie der Tiere zugleich ein kapitel kolonialer Forstentomologie. ( Mit einem systematischen Anhang mit Beitragen von. A. Forel, Nils Holmgren, W. Michalson, F. Schimmer, F. Silvestri and E Wasmann.) xxxii + 263 pp., 3 pls. Jena (Gustav Fishcer).

  146. Fernando, H.E. 1962. Termites of economic importance in Ceylon. In Termites Humid Tropics (Proceedings of the New Delhi Symposium, 1960): 205-210. Paris (Unesco).

  147. Flethcer, T.B. 1912. Termites or white ants. Agriculture Journal of India, 7(3): 219-239, 3 pls.

  148. Flethcer, T.B. 1914. Some South Indian Insects and Other Animals of Importance Considered Especially from an Economic Point of View, xxi + 565 pp., 50 pls. Madras. (Government Press). (Reprinted 1984, Dehra Dun; Bishen Singh, etc.)

  149. Flethcer, T.B. 1916. One hundred notes on Indian insects. 100. Coptotermes gestroi in India. Bulletin of the Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, No. 59: v + 39 pp.

  150. Flethcer, T.B. (Edited by). 1917. Reports of the Proceedings of the Second Entomological Meeting held at Pusa on 5th – 12th Feb. 1917. xii + 340 pp., 1 frontis – p., 34 col., pls. Calcutta (Government of India Press).

  151. Flethcer, T.B. 1920. Annotated list of Indian crop pests. Report of Proceedings of the 3rd entomological Meeting, Pusa (3rd – 15th Feb. 1919). 1 : 33-314, 7 pls.

  152. Fletcher, T.B. 1921. Koening’s paper on South Indian termites ( Translated from German into English, and discussed). Proceedings of the 4thentomological Meeting, Pusa, Calcutta, pp. 312-333, 6 pls. (Also includes a note on the life of Koenig; a translation of Koening’s paper of 1779: and several original Fletcher’s photos of moulds and observations on South Indian termites). Also see KOENIG, J.G. 1779.

  153. Froggatt, W.W. 1895. Australian Termitidae. Part II. Proceedings of the linnean Society of New South Wales, 10: 415-438; 1896, Pt. II, ibid, 21: 510-552; 1897, Part. III, ibid, 22: 721-758.

  154. Fuller, C. 1915. Observations on some South African termites. Annals of Natal. Museum, 3(2): 329-505, 11 pls.

  155. Fuller, C. 1924. The thorax and abdomen of winged termites, with special reference to the sclerites and muscles of the thorax. Entomology Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture Technical Services of the Repulic of South Africa, No. 2: 49-78, 3 pls.

  156. Gao, D. 1984. The genus Glyptotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from China: with a description of a new species. (In Chinese with English summary). Journal of Nanjing Institute of Forestry, No. 4: 53-60.

  157. Gao, D. and Lam, P.K.S. 1986. Notes on the termites (Isoptera) of Hong Kong, including description of a new species and a check-list of Chinese species. Memoirs of the Hong Kong natural History Society, 17: 67-83.

  158. Gao, D., and Ma, X. 1983. Studies on the termites from Sichuan. IX. Description on (sic!) imagoes of two species (Lobitermes emei and Glyptotermes hesperus). (In Chinese with English summary.) Zoological Research, 4(2): 135-138.

  159. Gao, D. Pan, Y., Ma, X. and Shi. W. 1982. Notes on the genus Riticulitermes from Sichuan, China, with description of new species. (In Chenese with English summary.) - Entomotaxonomia, Peking, 4(4): 299-306.

  160. Gardner, J.C.M. 1945. New Termitidae from India and Burma (Isoptera). Indian Journal of Entomology, 6(1-2) (1944): 103-110.

  161. Gay, F.J. 1967. A world review of introduction species of termites. Bulletin of Common wealth scientific and industrial Research Organisation (Australia), No. 286: 1-88.

  162. Gay, F.J. 1969. Species introduced by man. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1, pp 459-494. New York and London (Academic Press).

  163. Geyer, J.W.C. 1951. The reproductive organs of certain termites, with notes on the hermaphrodites of Neotermes. Entomology Memoirs of Department of Agriculture of Agricultural Technical Services Repulic of South Africa, 2(9): 2 + 233-325.

  164. Grasse, P.P. 1937. Mission de 1’ Omo le Bellicositermes jeaneli n. sp. Constructeur de grandes termitieres a cheminee. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France, 42(5): 71-73.

  165. Grasse, P.P. 1949. Ordre des isopteres ou termite.(Isoptera Brulle 1852). In Traite de Zoologie. (Edited P.P. Grasse), Volume IX, Insects: 408-544. Paris ( Masson and Cie).

  166. Grasse, P.P. 1982. Termitologia. Anatomie, Physiologie, Biologie.Systematique des Termites.Volume I. Anatomie, Physiologie, Reproduction. xiv + 676 pp. Paris (Masson).

  167. Grasse, P.P. 1984. Termitologia, Anatomie, Physiologie, Biologie, Systematique des Termites. Vol. II. Fondation des Societes, Construction. ix + 1 + 613 pp. Paris (Masson).

  168. Grasse, P-P. 1986. Termitologia. Anatomie, Physiologie, Biologie. Systematique des Termites. Volume III. Comartment.Socialite-Ecology-Evolution-Systematique. xi + 1 + 715 pp. Paris (Masson).

  169. Grasse. P.P. and Noirot, C. 1954. Apicotermes arquieri (Isoptera): Ses constructions, sa biologies. Considerations general sur la sous-famille des Apicotermitinae nov. Annales des sciences naturelles (zoologie), (11) 16: 345-388, 5 pls.

  170. Grasse, P.P. and Sandias, A. 1893. Costituzione e sviluppo della societa dei termitidi. Osservazione sui loro costumi, con un’ appendice sui Protozoi parassiti dei termitidi e sulla famiglia delle Embidine. [Part 1.] Atti Accademia Gioenia di Science naturali in Catania, (4)6(13): 1-75, 2 pls. (English translated by W.F.H. Blanford in The Quarterly Journal of microscopical Science, (New Series), 39: 245-322, 5 pls., 1896.)

  171. Grassi, B. and Sandias, A. 1894. Ditto. [Part. 2] Atti Accademia Gioenia di Science naturali in Catania, (4) 7(1): 1-76, 3 pls. (English translated by W.F.H. Blanford in The Quarterly Journal of microscopical Science, (New Series), 40: 1-82, 3 pls., 1897.)

  172. Green, E.E. 1913. Catalogue of Isoptera (termites) recorded from Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 9(33): pp. 7-15.

  173. Griffin, F.J. 1951. A bibliography of the Isoptera (termites) 1758-1949. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of natural Hsitory,  2(8): 261-368.

  174. Gupta, S.D. 1962a. Morphology of the primitive termite, Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Desneux) (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae). Part 1. External Morphology of the soldier caste. Records of the Indian Museum, 58(3-4) (1960): 169-194.

  175. Gupta, S.D. 1962b. Morphology of the primitive termite, Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Desneux) (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae). Part 2. External Morphology of the alate and worker castes. Records of the Indian Museum, 58(3-4)(1960) : 195-222.

  176. Hagen, H.A. 1852. Uber die Lebensweise der Termiten und ihre Verbreitung. Konigsb. Naturw. Unterhalt., 2(3): 53-75.

  177. Hagen, H.A. 1853. Hr. Peters berichtate uber die von ihm gesamelten und von Hrn. Dr. Herman Hagen Bearbei-tenen Neuropteren aus Mosambique. Koniglich Preussische Akadimie der Wissenschaften zu Berling,1853: 479-482

  178. Hagen, H.A. 1855. Monographie der Termiten. [ Part 1.] Linnean Entomology, 10: 1-144; and 270-325.

  179. Hagen, H.A. 1858a. Monographie der Termiten. Part 2. Linnean Entomology, 12: 1-342, 3 pls.; and 459 (errata).

  180. Hagen, H.A. 1858b. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Termitina 34 pp. London (British Museum of Natural History).

  181. Hagen, H.A. 1858c. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylons.[Part 1.] Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 8: 471-478.

  182. Hagen, H. 1859. Synopsis der Neuroptera Ceylons. [ Part 2. ] Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 9: 199-212.

  183. Hagen, H.A. 1860a. Monographie der Termiten. [Part 3.] Linnean Entomology , 15 : 73-99.

  184. Hagen, H.A. 1860b. Nachtrag zur Monographie der Termiten. Linnean Entomology, 15: 100-128.

  185. Hare, L. 1937. Termite phylogeny as evidenced by soldier mandible development. Annals of the entomological Society of America, 30(3): 459-486, 13 pls.

  186. Harris, W.V. 1957. An introduction to Malayan termites. Malaysian National Journal, 12: 20-32, 1 pl., Also in Malaysian Forester, 21: 87-97, 1 pl.

  187. Harris, W.V. 1961. Termites: Their Recognition and Control. xii + 187 pp., sev. pls.(8 col.), 1 flanged. Chart. London ( Longmans, Green and Co.).

  188. Harris, W.V. 1962. Termites of the genus Angulitermes in African (Isoptera: Termitidae). Annals and Magazine of natural history, (13) 5(53): 311-318.

  189. Harris, W.V. 1963. The termites of Hong Kong. Memoirs of the Hong Kong natural History Society, No. 6: 1-9.

  190. Harris W.V. 1964. A new species of Angulitermes from Israel. Annals and magazine of natural History, (13) 7: 171-172.

  191. Harris, W.V.1966. Type localities of the Isoptera described by Haviland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London, 117: 11-17.

  192. Harris, W.V.1966a. The genus Ancistrotermes (Isoptera). Bulletin of theBritish Museum (natural History) Entomology, 18 (1): 1-20.

  193. Harris, W.V. 1967a. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fauna Afghanistans. (Sammelergebinasse von O. Jakes 1963-64, D. Povolny 1965, D. Povolny and Fr. Tenora 1966, J. Simek 1965-66.) Isoptera. Acta Musei Moraviae (Scientiae naturales), 52 (Supplementry): 211-215.

  194. Harris, W.V. 1967b. Termites of the genus Anacanthotermes in North Africa and the Near East (Isoptera: Hodotermitidae). Proceedings of the Royal entomological Society of London, (B) 36(5-6): 79-86.

  195. Harris, W.V. 1968. Isoptera from Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Opuscula Entomologica, 33(1-2): 143-154.

  196. Harris, W.V. 1970. Termites of the Palearctic Region. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Vol. 2, pp. 295-313. New York and London (Academic Press).

  197. Haviland, G.D. 1894. [Note on habits of termites of Singapore.] Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London, 1894: viii.

  198. Haviland, G.D. 1898. Observations on termites, with descriptions of new species. Journal of Linnean Society of London (Zoology), 26(169): 358-442.

  199. Haviland, G.D. 1901 – 1902. Observations on termites or white ants. Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, pp. 667-678, 4 pls. (Summary from Haviland, Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology), 26, pp. 358-442, 1898, supra.).

  200. Haviland, G.D. and Sharp, D. 1896. Termites in captivity in England. Transactions of the Entomoloical Society of London, 1896: 589-594.

  201. He, X.S. and Xia, K.L. 1981. New genus of termites related to Indotermes from China [Isoptera: Termitidae.] Contributions of the Shanghai Institute of Entomology, 1981: 197-204.

  202. Heberdey, R.F. 1931. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie der weiblichen Geschlechtsausfuhrwege der Insekten. Zeitschrift fur Okologie und Naturschutz[R] 22: 416-586.

  203. Hegh E. 1922. Les Termites.Partie Generale. Description. Destribution Gegraphique. Classification. Biologie. Vie Sociale. Alimentation. Construction. Reports avec le Monde exterieur. 4 + 756 pp., 1 flanged Chart. Brussels (Louis Desmet-verteneuil) Republished, with additions, in Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge, 1920-1923, Volumes. 11,12,13 and 14.)

  204. Hill, G.F. 1915. Northern Territory Termitidae. Proceedings of the Lennean Society of New South Wales, 40(1): 83-113, 10 pls.

  205. Hill, G.F. 1921. New and rare Australian termites with notes on their biology. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 46(4): 443-456, 1 pl.

  206. Hill, G.F. 1925. Termites from the Australian Region, description of new species and hitherto undescribed castes. Proceedings of Royal Society of Victoria(New Series), 37(2) : 206-229, 4 pls.

  207. Hill, G.F. 1933. Australian Rhinotermes. Proceedings of Royal Society of Victoria (New Series), 44(1): 1-17, 4 pls.

  208. Hill G.F. 1942. Termites (Isoptera) from the Australian Region (including Australia, New Guinea and Islands South of the Equator between 140o E longitude and 170o W Longitude. 4 + 479. pp., 24 pls. Melbourne ( Council of Scientific and industrial Research Commonwealth, Australia)

  209. Holmgren, K. and Holmgren, N. 1917 . Report on a collection of termites from India. Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India (Entomology), 5(3): 137-171. [With notes on synonymy by T.B. Fletcher.]

  210. Holmgren, N. 1906. Studies uber Sudamerikanische Termiten. Zoologische Jahrbuecher (Systematik), 23(5): 521-676.

  211. Holmgren, N. 1909. Termitenstudien. 1. Anatomische Untersuchugen. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 44(3): 1-215, 3 pls.

  212. Homgren, N 1910. Das system der Termiten. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 35: 284-286.

  213. Holmgren, N. 1911a. Ceylon-Termiten gesammelt von Prof. K. escherisch, nebst einer synoptischen ubersicht uber alle bis jetzt von Ceylon und den angrezenden Festland bekannten Termiternarten. In Termitenleben ouf Ceylon, u.s.w. (by K. Escherisch). Systematischer Anhang: Termiten and Termitophilen von Ceylon, pp. 183-212, 2 pls. Jena (Gustav Fischer).

  214. Holmgren, N. 1911b. Termitenstudien. 2. Systematik der Termiten. Kungliga  Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 48(4): 1-166, 4 pls.

  215. Holmgren, N. 1911c. Termitenstudien 2 Systematik der Termiten. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 46(6): 1-86, 6 pls.

  216. Holmgren, N. 1911d. Bemerkungen uber einige Termiten Arten. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 37(26): 545-553.

  217. Holmgren, N. 1911e. Om Termiter och myrov. En. Inblick i Sociala insekters Biology. 286 pp. Stockholm (Vetenskap och bidning, Bd. 11)

  218. Holmgren, N. 1912a. Termitenstudien. 3. Systematik der Termiten. Die Familie Metatermitidae. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 48(4): 1-166, 4 pls.

  219. Holmgren, N. 1912b. Termites from British India (Bombay) collected by Dr. J. Assmuth. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 21(3): 774-793, 4 pls.

  220. Holmgren, N. 1913a. Termites from British India (near Bombay, in Gujrat and Bangalore) collected by Dr. J. Assmuth S.J. Part II. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 22(1): 101-117, 3 pls.

  221. Holmgren, N. 1913b. Termitenstudien. 4. Versuch einer Systematischen Monographie der Termiten der orientalischen Region. Kungliga SvenskaVetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar, 50(2): 1-276, 8 pls.

  222. Holmgren, N 1913c. Termites aus Java und Sumatra gesammelt von Edward Jacobson. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 56: 13-28, 2 pls.

  223. Holmgren, N. 1914a. On some termites collected by Mr. Green in Ceylon. Spolia. Zeylanica, 8 (32) (1913): 277-284.

  224. Holmgren, N. 1914b. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer For schungsreise nach Ostindien, ausgefuhrt im Auftrage der kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaft en zu Berlin von H.v. Buttel-Reepen. III. Termiten aus Sumatra, Java, Malacca und Ceylon. Gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. v. Buttel-Reepen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zoologische Jahrbuecher (Systematik), 36(2-3): 228-290, 7 pls.

  225. Hozawa, S. 1915. Revision of Japanese termites. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo, 35: 1-161.

  226. Hsia, K.L. and Fan. S.T. 1970. Notes on the genus Reticulitermes Holmgren of China (Isoptera, Rhinotermitidae). Acta entomologica Sinica, 3 (1968): 51-75.

  227. Huston, J.C. 1923a. Notes on termites attacking tea in Ceylon. Tropical Agriculture, 60(2): 83-87.

  228. Huston, J.C. 1923b. Notes on termites attacking tea in Ceylon. Tropical  Agriculture, 60(5): 291-298, 2 pls.

  229. Ikehara, S. 1966. Distribution of termites in the Ryukyu Archipelago. Bulletin of the Arts and Science Division of University of the Ryukyus, No. 9: 49-176, 3 pls.

  230. Imms, A.D. 1919. On the structure and biology of Archotermopsis, together with description of new species of intestinal Protozoa, and general observations on the Isoptera. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, (B)209: 75-180, 8 pls.

  231. Imms, A.D. 1930. A General Text-book of Entomology. Including the Anatomy, Physiology, Development and Classification of Insects. (2nd Edition, Revised.) x + 703 pp. London ( Mathuen and Co.).

  232. Imms, A.D. 1957. A General Text-book of Entomology. Including the Anatomy, Physiology, Development and Classification of Insects. (9th Edition, revised by C.W. Richards and R.G. Davies).  x + 886 pp. London (Methuen and Co.).   

  233. Jacobson, G.G. 1905. Zur Kenntnis der termiten Russland. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Petersburg, 9 (1904): 57-107. With a section on biology

  234. of Hodotermes vagans septentrionalis, by J.W. Wassieljew, pp. 97-103.

  235. Jepson, F.P. 1927. A preliminary note on the distribution of the Ceylon tea Calotermes. Yearbook of the Department of Agriculture of Ceylon, 1927:  19-21, 1 pl.

  236. Jepson, F.P. 1930. Termites attacking Hevea brasiliensis in Ceylon. Tropical Agriculture, 75(3): 143-156, 5 pls.

  237. John, O. 1913. Notes on some termites from Ceylon. Spolia zeylanica, 9(34): 102-116.

  238. John, O. 1925. Termiten von Ceylon, der Malayischen Halbinsel, Sumatra, Java und den AruInseln. Treubia, 6(3-4): 360-419. 8 pls.

  239. Johnson, R.A. 1979. Configuration of the digestive tube as an aid to identification of worker termitidae (Isoptera). Systematics Entomology, 4: 31-38.

  240. Jones, S.C., Lafage, J.P. and Howard, R.R. 1982. Isopteran sex-ratio strategies. In The Biology of Social Insects (Proceedings of 9th Congress Int. Un. Soc. Ins. Boulder, Aug. 1982) (Edited By M.D. Breed, C. Mitchner and H.E. Evans): 406. Boulder (Westview Press).

  241. Kemner, N.A. 1925a. Zwei neue chinesische Termitien aus der Sammelausbeute der Kolthoffschen Expedition nach China 1921-1922. Arkiv for zoologi (A) 17(28): 1-6.

  242. Kemner, N.A. 1925b. Larva termitovorax, eine merkwiirdige parasitische Fliegenlarve, die im Kopfe von Termitensoldaten lebt, und durch die Vernstaltung desselben Veranlassung zur Aufstellung eines besonderen Termitengenus mit zwei Arten gegeben hat. Arkiv for zoologi, (A) 17(29): 1-15, 1 pl.

  243. Kemner, N.A. 1926a. Some termites from Ceylon. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 16(4): 397-392.

  244. Kemner, N.A. 1926b. Uber die Zucht der Larve einer echten Termitoxenia. Verh. III. Int. Ent. Kongr. (Zurich, 1925), 2: 389-404, 1 pl.

  245. Kemner, N.A. 1926c. Uber die Zucht von einer ‘Larva Eutermina’ aus Java und das Ausschlupfen aus derselben der physogastren Aleocharide Affinoptochus excleusus n. g., n. sp. Arkiv for Zoologi, (A) 18 (10): 1-24, 2 pls.

  246. Kemner, N.A. 1929a. Aus der Biologie der Termiten Javas. C.R.X. Congr. Int. Zool. (Budapest, 1927), 2: 1097-1117.

  247. Kemner, N.A. 1929b. Entomologiesche Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Ostasien (H. Eidmann). Isoptera. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 79(2-4): 323.

  248. Kemner, N.A. 1930. Fauna Sumatrensis. Bijdrage No. 66. Termitidae. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 73(3-4): 298-324.

  249. Kemner, N.A. 1931. Die Termitenfauna von Amboina. Ergebisse der Sunda-Expedition der Notgemeinschaft der deutschen Wissenschaft, 1929-30. (Mitteilungen von Dr. F. Weyer). Lund University Arsskrift (N.F.), (2) 27 (13): 1-53, 2 pls. Also as Kungliga fysiografiska Sallskapets Handlingar, 42(13): 1-53, 2 pls.

  250. Kemner, N.A. 1932a. Zur Kenntnis der Javanischen Termitoxenen, mit Bemerkungen uber ihre Morphologie und Biologie. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 53 (1): 17-29, 3pls.

  251. Kemner, N.A. 1932b. Neue Termiten aus der orientalischen Region. I-II. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,53 (2): 133-155.

  252. Kemner, N.A. 1932. Neue Termiten aus der orientalischen Region.I-II. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, 53(2): 132-155. (I. Java and Celebes. II, Ceylon.)

  253. Kemner, N.A. 1933. Resultats scientifiques du voyage aux Indes Orientales neerlandaises de LL. A.A. R.R. le Prince et la Princesse Leopold de Belgique. Isoptera. Memoirs of Museum of Royal History of nature Belgium, 4(8) (Hors serie): 17-30, 1 pl.

  254. Kemner, N.A. 1934. Systematische und biologische Studien uber die Termiten Javas und Celebes. Kungliga svenskaVetenskapsAkademiens Handlingar, (3) 13(4): 1-241, 22 pls.

  255. Kemner, N.A. 1936. Zur naharen Kenntnis der Termitoxenia jagerskioldi Wasm. als Typus eines neuen Genus der Termitoxenien. Opuscula Entomologica, 1(2): 35-39.

  256. Kemner, N.A. 1943. Ein Blick auf Termiten Javas und Celebes. Jb. Dtsch. Auslandsamtes d. deutsch. Dozentenschaft, 1943: 50-53.

  257. Khan, M.A. and Ahmad, M. 1954. Termites of Lahore. Proceedings of 6th Pakistan Science Conference(Abstracts): 140.

  258. Khan, M.A. and Ahmad, M. 1955. The imago of  Kalotermes beesoni (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae). Biologia (Lahore), 1 (1): 28-30.

  259. Kistner, D.H. 1969. The biology of termitophiles. In Biology of  Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 525-557. New York (Academic Press).

  260. Kofoid, C.A.(Edited by) 1934. Termite and Termite Control. A Report to the Termite Investigations Committee. xxv + 734 pp., 1 Frontp. Berkeley(California University Press) and London (Cambridge University Press). (2nd Edition, Dec. 1934.)

  261. Kofoid, C.A. (Edited by). 1946. Ditto. (2nd Edition, 2nd printing). 4 + xxvi + 795 pp., 1 frontpage Berkeley (California University Press).

  262. Konig, J.G. 1779. Naturgeschicte der sogenannten wissen Ameisen. Beschaftigungen der  berlinischen Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde, 4: 1-28. English translation and comments, by T.B. Fletcher, in Proceedings of 4th entomological Meeting (Pusa, 1921), 4: 312-333, 6 pls., 1921; see T.B. Fletcher, 1921, above. 

  263. Krishna, K. 1961. A generic revision and phylogenetic study of the family Kalotermitidae (Isoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of natural History, 122: 303-408.

  264. Krishna, K. 1965. Termites (Isoptera) of Burma. American Museum Novitates, No. 2210: 1-34.

  265. Krishna, K. 1965a. A new species of termite from the Nicobar Islands, (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitidae). Entomology Meddelelser, 34: 107-109.

  266. Krishna, K. 1965b. Termites (Isoptera) of Burma. American Museum Novitates, No. 2210: 1-34.

  267. Krishna, K. 1968. Phylogeny and generic reclassification of the Capritermes complex (Isoptera, Termitidae,). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 138 (Article 5): 261-324, figures 1-46, table 1.

  268. Krishna, K. 1969. Introduction. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 1-17. New York and London (Academic Press).

  269. Krishna, K. 1970. Taxonomy, phylogeny and distribution of termites. In: Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner). Volume 2: 127-152. New York and London (Academic Press).

  270. Krishna, K. 1972. A revision of the Indomalayan termite genus Homallotermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Termitinae). American Museum Novitates, No. 2489: 1-23.

  271. Krishna, K. and Weesner, F.M. (Edited by). 1969. Biology of Termites. Volume 1: xii + 598 pp. New York and London (Academic Press).

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  275. Kushwaha, K.S. 1960b. External morphology of the termite, Odonototermes obesus (Rambur) (Isoptera: Termitidae). Part 2 Alate and worker. Records of Indian Museum, 54(3-4) (1956): 229-227.

  276. Kushwaha, K.S. 1960c. Chaetotaxy of the termite, Odontotermes assmuthi Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae). Part I. Soldier. Proceedings of the Indian Academic of Science, (B) 52: 54-65.

  277. Kushwaha, K.S. 1960d. Chaetotaxy of the termite, Odontotermes assmuthi Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae). Part II. Worker. Proceedings of the Indian Academic of Science, (B) 54: 130-137.

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  279. Kushwaha, K.S. 1962b. External morphology of the termite, Odontotermes obesus (Rambur) (Isoptera: Termitidae). Part 3. Chaetotaxy of the soldier, worker and alate castes. Records of Indian Museum, 58(2) (1960): 71-114, 5 pls.

  280. Lahiri. A. R., and Ghosh, A.K. 1980. Termites of Manipur, India, with new Records (Insecta: Isoptera). Records of the zoological Survey of India, 76: 65-70.

  281. Lahiri, A.R., A.K. and Biswas, S. 1977. A preliminary study of the insect fauna of Meghalaya. 11. Isoptera: Four new records and Notes on the species. Bulletin of Meghalaya Science Society, 2: pp. 35-38.

  282. Latreille, P.A. 1795. Extrait d’un memoirs pour servir de suite a 1’histoire des Termes, ou fourmis blanches. Bulletin des sciences, par la Societe Philomatique, 1: 84-85.

  283. Latreille, P.A. 1804, Termes Termes. N. Dict. Hist. nat., 22: 49-63.

  284. Lefroy, H.M. 1906. Indian Insect Pests. vii + 318 pp. Calcutta (Government of India). (Reprinted 1971, New Delhi, Today and Tomorrow’s Printers, etc.)

  285. Lefroy, H.M. 1909. Indian Insect Life. A Manual of the Insects of the Plains (Tropical India). xii + 786 pp., 84 pls. Calcutta & London. (Thacker Spink & Co.) (Reprinted 1971, New Delhi, Today and Tomorrow’s Printers, etc.).

  286. Lespes, C. 1856. Recherches sur 1’ organisation et le moeurs du termite lucifuge. Annales des sciences naturelles(Zoologie), (4)5: 227-282.

  287. Li, G. and Ping, Z. 1983. Description of a new genus Tsaitermes and its three new species from China (In Chinese). Entomotaxonomia, 5: 239-246.

  288. Light, S.F. 1921a. Notes on Philippine termites. I. Philippine Journal of Science, 18(3): 243-257.

  289. Light, S.F. 1921b. Notes on Philippine termites. II. Philippine Journal of Science, 19(1): 23-64, 6 pls.

  290. Light, S.F. 1924. The termites (white ants) of China, with description of six new species. China Journal of Science & Arts, 2(1-4): 50-60; 140-142; 242-254; and 354-358.

  291. Light, S.F. 1929. Notes on Philippine termites. III. Philippine Journal of Science, 40(4); 421-452, 8 pls.

  292. Light, S.F. 1930. Notes on Philippine termites. IV. Philippine Journal of Science, 42(1): 13-58, 8 pls.

  293. Light, S.F. 1931. Present status of our knowledge of the termites of China. (With and Appendix, p. 600, on: Instructions for preparation of sides of Protozoa of termites for study.) Lignan Science Journal, 7(1929): 581-600.

  294. Light, S.F. 1934a. A world view of termites. In Termites and Termite Control (Editd by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition): 108-117. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  295. Light, S.F. 1934b. Habitat and habit types of termites and their economic significance. In Termites and Termite Control (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition): 127-140. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  296. Light, S.F. 1934c. Dry-wood termites, their classification and distribution. In Termites and Termite Control (Editd by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition): 197-200. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  297. Light, S.F. 1934d. Termites and growing plants. In Termites and Termite Control (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Editon): 286-292. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  298. Light, S.F. 1934e. The termite fauna of the Philippine Islands and its economic significance. In Termites and Termite Control (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition): 319-322. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  299. Light, S.F. 1937. Contributions to the biology and taxonomy of Kalotermes (Paraneotermes) simplicicornis Banks (Isoptera). University of California Publication (Entomology), 6 (16): 423-463, 3 pls.

  300. Light, S.F. 1937. (Jan. – Apr.). A collection of termites from Ceylon and Java. Pan-Pacific Entomology, 13(1-2): 15-24.

  301. Light, S.F. 1946a. A world view of termites. In Termites and Termite Control. (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition revised): 117-126. Berkeley (Univerisity of California Press).

  302. Light, S.F. 1946b. Habitat and habitat types of termites and their economic significance. In Termites and Termite Control. (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition revised): 136-149. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  303. Light, S.F. 1946c. Dry-wood termites, their classification and distribution. In Termites and Termite Control. (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition revised): 206-209. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  304. Light, S.F. 1946d. Termites and growing plants. In Termites and Termite Control. (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition revised): 314-320. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  305. Light, S.F. 1946e. The termite fauna of the Philippine Islands and its economic significance. . In Termites and Termite Control. (Edited by C.A. Kofoid) (2nd Edition revised): 347-350. Berkeley (University of California Press).

  306. Light. S.F. and Wilson F.J. 1936. The nasute termites of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 60(4): 461-520.

  307. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae. (Edition 10), Volume 1 .

  308. Linnaeus, C. 1778-93. Systema Nuturae. (Edition 13, aucta, reformatacura Joh. Friedr. Gmelin) Volume 1, pt. 5.

  309. Maiti, P.K. 1975. Two new species of termites (Isoptera) from West Bengal, India. Oriental Insects, 9(2): 139-148.

  310. Maiti, P.K. 1976. A new species of termite of the genus Glyptotermes Froggatt (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from India. Proceedings of the zoological Society, 27(2) (1974): 117-122.

  311. Maiti, P.K. 1977a. The geographical origin, dispersion and evolution of termites (Isoptera) of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indian Ocean. Abstracts of 2nd Oriental Entomology Sypmosia (Madras, Mar. 1977): 54.

  312. Maiti, P.K. 1978. Investigation on the seasonal variation, population estimation and some aspects of bioecology of Cryptotermes havilandi (Sjost.) (Isoptera) in West Bengal. Abstracts of Symposia of Ecology Of animal Pupulation (Culcutta, Oct. 1978): 69.

  313. Maiti, P.K. 1979b. The composition and geographical origin of the termites (Isoptera) of the Great Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean. Proceedings of zoological Society, 30(1-2) (1977): 131-135.

  314. Maiti, P.K.1981. Faunal zones and bioecological notes on the soil inhabiting termites (Isoptera) of West Bengal, India. In Progress in Soil Biology and Ecology in India (Edited By G.K. Veeresh): 265. Banglore (University of Agricultural Science).

  315. Maiti, P.K. 1983. Termite fauna (Isoptera) of West Bengal, India. Their recognition, biology and ecology. Occassional Papers of Records of the zoological Survey of India, No. 42: iv + 152, 4 flanged maps.

  316. Maiti, P.K. and Chakaraborty, S.K. 1981. Two new termites of genus Glyptotermes (Kalotermitidae) from the Great Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean. Bulletin of the zoological Survey India, 4 (1) (1981): 71-84.

  317. Margabandhu, V. 1934. An annotated list of Indo-Ceylonese termites. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 37(3): 700-714.

  318. Margabandhu, V. 1935. An annotated list of Indo-Ceylonese termites. [Additions.] Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 38(1): 208-209.

  319. Mathews, A.G.A. 1977. Studies on Termites from the Mato Grosso state, Brazil. 1-267 pp.

  320. Mathur, R.N. and Chhotani, O.B. 1960. There queens in mounds of Odontotermes wallonensis (Wasmann) (Termitidae, Isoptera). Indian Forester, 86 (10): 623-624.

  321. Mathur, R.N. and Chhotani, O.B. 1969. Two new termites of the genera Coptotermes Wasmann and Heterotermes Froggatt (Rhinotermitidae) from India. Journal of the Timber Development Association of India, 15(4): 1-10.

  322. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1958. A new species of Anacanthotermes from South India (Insecta: Isoptera: Hodotermitidae). Entomologist, 91: 233-241, 4 pls.

  323. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1958. Hitherto unknown imago caste of the spcies of Globitermes, Microcerotermes and Odontotermes from Indo-malayan region (Isoptera: Termitidae). Indian Forestry Bulletin (New Series) Entomology, No. 219: 1-9, 3 pls.

  324. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1959. Notes on the habits and biology of Dehra Dun termites. [Part 1.] Journal of the Timber Dryers and Preservers Association of India, 5(3): 3-9, 2 pls.

  325. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1959, Two new termites Emersonitermes thekadensis gen. et sp. nov. and Trinervitermes nigirirostris sp. nov.from India (Insecta: Isoptera). Z. Ang. Ent., 45: 66-78.

  326. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1960a. Glyptotermes nigrifronns sp. n. from South India (Insecta: Isoptera:  Kalotermitidae). Entomologist, 93: 79-85.

  327. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1960b. Notes on the habits and biology of Dehra Dun termites [Part 2.] Journal of the Timber Dryers and Preservers Association of India, 6(2): 23-27.

  328. Mathur, R.N. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1962. Notes on the habits and biology of Dehra Dun termites. Part 3. Journal of the Timber Dryers & Preservers Association of India, 8(1): 1-18, 2 pls.

  329. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1961. Pseudocapritermes fontanellus sp. nov. from South India. Journal of the Timber Dryers & Preservers Association, 7(3): 3-7.

  330. Mathur, R. N. and Thapa, R.S. 1962a. Microcapritermes gen. n. from India (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae). Indian Frester, 88(5): 370-375.

  331. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1962b. A revised catalogue of Isoptera (white ants) of the Entomological Refrence Collection at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. Indian Forest Leaflets (Entomology), No. 167: 1-122. (Errata, pp. 1-9, issued 1963.)

  332. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1962c, A new genus of Nasutitermitinae from India (Isoptera: Termitidae). Indian Forester, 88(1): 49-52.

  333. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1962d .A new species of Stylotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae : Stylotermitinae) from India Journal of the Timber Dryers & Preservers Association of India, 8(4): 4-8.

  334. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1963. Survey of the termites of South Bihar. Journal of the Society of Indian Foresters, 3(3 & 4): 105-110.

  335. Mathur, R.N. and Thapa, R.S. 1965. Some termites from Assam (India), with descriptions of three new species. Bulletin of Entomology, 6: 1-14.

  336. Maxwell-Lefroy, H. See Lefroy, H.M.

  337. Mill, A.E. 1983. Generic keys to the soldier caste of new world Termitidae (Isoptera: Insecta). Systematic Entomology, 8: 179-190.

  338. Miller, E.M. 1969. Caste differentiation in the lower termites. In Biology of Termites (Editd by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 283-310. New York (Academic Press).

  339. Morimoto, K. 1973. Termites from Thailand. Bulletin of the Government Forest experiment Station, No. 257: 57-80.

  340. Morimoto, K. 1976. Termites from Malaya. National Life of South Asia, 7: 323-326.

  341. Muller, F. 1873. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Termiten. IV. Die Larven von Calotermes rugosus Hagen. Z. Naturwiss., 7: 333-358.

  342. Noirot, C. 1969. Formation of caste in the higher termites. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 311-350. New York and London (Academic Press).

  343. Noirot, C. 1970. The nests of termites. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner). Volume 2: 73-125. New York and London (Academic Press).

  344. Noirot, C. and Noirot-Timothee, C. 1969. The digestive system. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 49-88. New York and London (Academic Press).

  345. Oshima, M. 1910. On the Formosan termites. (In Japanese.) Dobust. Zasshi., 343-346; 376-382 and 411-413.

  346. Oshima, M. 1914a. Two species of termites from Singapore. Philippines Journal of Science, (D) 8(4) (1913): 283-286.

  347. Oshima, M. 1914b. Notes on a collection of termites from the East Indian Archipelago (Malaya and the Philippines). Annotationes zoologicae Japonensis, 8: 553-585, 2 pls.

  348. Oshima, M. 1914c. On Coptotermes of Hong Kong.[In Japanese] Report on Research of White Ants, Taihoku, 4: 7-9.

  349. Oshima, M. 1914d. On the white ants Singapore. [In Japanese] Report on Research of White Ants, Taihoku, 4: 10-16.

  350. Oshima, M. 1914e. Studies on the termites of Indian Archipelago. [In Japanese] Report on Research of White Ants, 4: 17-52.

  351. Oshima, M. 1915a. White ants of the Philippine Islands.[In Japanese.] Report on Research of White Ants, 5: 41-54.

  352. Oshima, M. 1915b. Fifth Report on Termite Investigations. [In Japanese.]: 88 pp., 5 pls. Taihoku.

  353. Oshima, M. 1916. A collection of termites from the Philippine Islands. Philippine Journal of Science, (D) 11 (6): 351-369, 2 pls.

  354. Oshima, M. 1917a . Notes on a collection of termites from Luzon obtained by R.C. McGregor. Philippines Journal of Science, (D) 12(4): 221-225.

  355. Oshima, M. 1917b. Sixth Report on Termite Investigations. [In Japanese]: 175 pp., 13 pls. Taihoku.

  356. Oshima, M. 1917c. Two species of termites from Foochow, China, Collection of Essays for Mr. Yasushi Nawa, 1917 (Editd by K. Nagano): 5-7. Gifu.

  357. Oshima, M. 1920. Philippine termites collected by R.C. McGregor, with description of one new genus and nine new species. Philippine Journal of Science, 17(5); 489-512, 4 pls.

  358. Oshima, M. 1923. Fauna Simulurensis.Termitidae. Capita Zoology, 2(3): 1-22.

  359. Pal, S.K. and Sharma, V.P. 1971. Observations on the vertical distribution and seasonal incidence of Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Desn.) (Insecta: Isoptera). Indian Forester, 97(7): 430-434.

  360. Parihar, D.R. 1978. Field observations on the nature and extent of damage by Indian Desert termites and their control. Annals arid Zone, 17(2): 192-199, 2 pls.

  361. Prihar, D.R. 1980. Termite problem in desert plantations. Annals Arid Zone, 19(3): 329-334.

  362. Parihar, D.R. 1981. Some observations on distribution and pest status of termites attacking forestry plantations in the Rajasthan Desert. Indian Journal of Forestry, 4(1): 22-25.

  363. Pinto, M.P.D. 1941. Some observations on the biology of the Ceylonese Calotermitidae. Indian Journal of Entomology, 3(1): 73-105.

  364. Prashad, B. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1959. Revision of the Termite Genus Nasutitermes Banks (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae) from the Indian Region. (Indian Council for Agriculture Research, Entomology Monograph No. 10.23): 1-66.

  365. Prashad, B. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1960. Revision of the Termite Genus Hospitalitermes Holmgren [Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae] from the Indian Region. (Indian Council for Agriculture Research, Monograph10.24): 32 pp.

  366. Prashad, B. and Sen-Sarma P. K. 1966a. Review of genus Trinervitermes Holmgren from the Indian Region (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Indian Forestry Bulletin (New Series) Entomology, No. 247: 1-42.

  367. Prashad, B. and Sen-Sarma P.K. 1966b. Studies on the genera Ceylonitermes Grallatotermes, Emersonitermes and Ceylonitermellus from the Indian region (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Indian Forestry Bulletin (New Series) Entomology, No. 248: 1-17.

  368. Prashad, B., Thapa, R.S. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1967. Revision of the Indian species of the genus Microcerotermes Silvestri (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Indian Forestry Bulletin (New Series) Entomology, No. 246: 1-56, 35 Figs.

  369. Pruthi, H.S. 1969. Textbook on Agricultural Entomology. ix + 1 + 977 pp., 92 pls. New Delhi (Indian Council for Agriculture Research).

  370. Quennedey, A. and Deligne, J. 1975. L’arme frontale des soldat de termite. I. Rhinotermitidae. Insectes Sociaux, 22(3): 243-267. (Also a new subfamily Prorhinotermitinae.)

  371. Radcliffe, E. 1904. A new termite from India. Indian Forester, 30(9): 412-414. Termopsis Radcliffei. n. sp.

  372. Rajagopal, D. 1983. Habit and habitat studies of some termites from Karnataka. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology, 3(2): 100-121.

  373. Rao, H. Srinivasa, 1957. History of our knowledge of the Indian fauna through the ages. Journal of Bombay natural History Society, 54(2): 251-280, 2 pls.

  374. Ratan Lal, and Menon, R.D. 1953. Catalogue of Indian Insects. Part 27. Isoptera. 4 + 94 pp. Delhi (Government of India Press).

  375. Reddy, M.V. 1980. Structural wood destroying activity of Coptotermes kishori Roonwal and Chhotani at Nagaland. Abstracts of Papers of the 5th All-India Congress of Zoology (Bhopal, Nov. 1980): 95.

  376. Reddy, M.V. and Sammaiah, C. 1991. Combined effects of climatic factors on the seasonal termite damage to structural wood in a semi-arid urban system. Energy and Buildings, 15-16: 947-955.

  377. Roonwal, M.L. 1953. Systematics of oriental termites. No.1, A new species of termite, Heterotermes gertrudae, sp. nov., from North India. (Isoptera, Family Rhinotermitidae). Indian Journal of Entomology, 15(2): 115-118.

  378. Roonwal, M.L. 1954a. Biology and ecology of oriental termites No. 2. On ecological adjustment in nature between two species of termites, namely, Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann) and Odontotermes redemanni (Wasmann) in Madhya Pradesh, The Indian Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 52: 463-467, 1 pl.

  379. Roonwal, M.L. 1954b. A list of insect pests of forest plants in India and the adjacent countries. (Arranged alphabetically according to plant genera and species, for the use of forest officers.) Part 1. General Introduction. Indian Forest Bulletin (New Series) (Entomology), No. 171 (1): 1-4.

  380. Roonwal, M.L. 1954c. A brief review of the progress of entomology in India during the period 1938-1950, together with a bibliography. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of India, No. 3: 1-119.

  381. Roonwal, M.L. 1954d. Biology and ecology of oriental termites. No. 1. Odontotermes parvidens Holmgren and Holmgren severely damaging the bark and contributing to the death of standing teak trees in Uttar Pradesh, Indian Jounal of the Bombay natural History Society, 52: 459-462.

  382. Roonwal, M.L. 1955. Termites ruining a township. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie, 38(1): 103-104.

  383. Roonwal, M.L. 1956a. External genitalia of termites (Isoptera). Journal of the zoological Society of India, 7 (2) (1955): 107-114.

  384. Roonwal, M.L. 1956b. Isoptera. In Taxonomist’s Glossary of Genitalia in Insects (Edited by S.L. Tuxen), pp. 34-38. Copenhagen (S. Munksgaard).

  385. Roonwal, M.L. 1958. Recent work on termite research in India (1947-57). Transactions of the Bose Research Institute, 22: 77-100, 4 pls.

  386. Roonwal, M.L. 1959. Biology and ecology of oriental termites (Isoptera). No. 4 The drywood termite Coptotermes heimi (Wasm.) in India. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 56(3): 511-523, 3 pls.

  387. Roonwal, M.L. 1962a. Address by the President. In Termites in the Humid Tropics (Proceedings of the New Delhi Symposium 1960): 9-11. Paris (Unesco).

  388. Roonwal, M.L. 1962b. Recent developments in termite systematics (1949-1960). (In Termites in Humid Tropics (Proceedings of the New Delhi Symposium, 1960): 31-50. Paris (Unesco).

  389. Roonwal, M.L. 1964. Termite measurements and indices. In Etudes sur les Termites Africans (Un Coloq. Int. Unseco, Leopodville (University of Lovanium): 69-75. Paris (Masson et Cie).

  390. Roonwal, M.L. 1970a. Termites of the Oriental region. In Biology of Termties (Edited By K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 2: 315-391. New York and London (Academic Press).

  391. Roonwal, M.L. 1970b. Measurements of termites ((Isoptera) For taxonomic purposes. Journal of the zoological Society of India, 21(1) (1969): 9-66.

  392. Roonwal, M.L. 1970c. Isoptera. In Taxonomist’s Glossary of Genitalia in Insects (2nd Edition). (Edited by S.L. Tuxen), pp. 41-46. Copenhagen (S. Munksgaard).

  393. Roonwal, M.L. 1972a. Papillae on tibial spines and spurs in the termite Mastotermes darwiniensis. Science & Culture, 38(5): 255.

  394. Roonwal, M.L. 1972b. Opening remarks by the Chairman. In Termite Problems in India (Edited by M.L. Roonwal): vii – viii. New Delhi (Council of Scientific & industrial Research).

  395. Roonwal, M.L. (edited by) 1972c. Termite Problems in India. (A symposium held under the auspices of the Biological Research Committee, Council of Scientific and Industrial Reasearch, New Delhi, March, 1970.) viii + 81 pp. New Delhi (Council of Scientific & industrial Research).

  396. Roonwal, M.L. 1973a. Mound structure, fungus combs and primary reproductives (King and Queen) in the termite Odontotermes brunneus (Termitidae) in India. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 39: 63-76.

  397. Roonwal, M.L. 1973b. On a new phylogenetically significant ratio (Width/Length in termite eggs (Isoptera). Abstracts of Symposia of Oriental Entomology, (Calucutta, Nov., 1973): 10-11.

  398. Roonwal, M.L. 1974. Occurrence of papillae on tribal spines and spurs in the Australian termite, Mastotermes darwiniensis with remarks on some other primitive species. Journal of the zoological Society of India, 24(2) (1972): 155-160.

  399. Roonwal, M.L. 1975a. Phylogeny and status of termite families Stylotermitidae and Indotermitidae with three-segmented tarsi, and the evolution of tarsal segmentation in the Isoptera. Biologisches Zentralblatt, 94(1): 27-43.

  400. Roonwal, M.L. 1975b. On a new phylogenetically significant ratio (Width/Length) in termite eggs (Isoptera). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 195(1-2): 43-50.

  401. Roonwal, M.L. 1975c. Field and other observations on the Harvester Termite, Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Hodotermitidae), from the Indian Desert. Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte, Entomologie, 78(4): 424-440.

  402. Roonwal, M.L. 1975d. Sex ratios and sexual dimorphism in termites. Journal of scientific & industrial Research, 34: 402-416.

  403. Roonwal, M.L. 1975e. Thar Desert termites. In Environmental Analysis of the Thar Desert (Edited by R.K. Gupta and I. Prakash): 393-422. Dehra Dun (English Book Depot).

  404. Roonwal, M.L. 1976. Field ecology and eco-biogeography of Rajsthan termites: A study in desert environment. Zoologische Jahrbuecher (Systematik), 103; 455-504.

  405. Roonwal, M.L. 1977a. Micro-sculpturing on termite wings (Isoptera), and its significance. Proceedings of zoological Society of Calcutta, 28(1975): 31-39.

  406. Roonwal, M.L. 1977b. Rajasthan termites (Insecta: Isoptera). In The Natural Resources of Rajsthan (Edited by M.L. Roonwal), Volume 1:373-379, 1 pl. Jodhpur (University of Jodhpur).

  407. Roonwal, M.L. 1977c. Termite ecology in the Indian Desert ecosystem. A review of recent work. In Desert Eco-System and Its Improvement (Edited by H.S. Mann): 323-328. Jodhpur (Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Monger No. 1).

  408. Roonwal, M.L. 1978a. Bioecological and economical observations on termites of Penisular India. Zeitschrift Fur angewandte Entomologie, 85(1): 15-30.

  409. Roonwal, M.L. 1978b. Termites from the Himalaya. (In Symposium on Impact of Man on the Mountain Ecosystem, Agra 1976.) Mem. School of Ent. (St. John’s College, Agra), No. 6: 101-106.

  410. Roonwal, M.L. 1978c. Field data on intraspecific variation in mound Construction and nesting habits in termites and its ecological relationships. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 43(5) (1977): 159-174 (2 pls).

  411. Roonwal, M.L. 1979a. Termite damage to railway coaches in India. (Coptotermes heimi). Indian Journal of Forestry, 2(4): 307-310.

  412. Roonwal, M.L. 1979b. Termite Life and Termite Control in Tropical South Asia, xii + 177 pp., 8 pls. Jodhpur (Scientific Publishers).

  413. Roonwal, M.L. 1981a. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites (Isoptera). XI. Some hitherto unstudied genera and species in five families. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B)47: 467-473.

  414. Roonwal, M.L. 1981b. Termites of agriculture importance in India and their control. In Progress in Soil Biology and Ecology in India (Edited By G.K. Veeresh): 253-265. Bangalore (University of Agricultural Science).

  415. Roonwal, M.L. 1982a. The identity of two economically important termites, Heterotermes gertrudae and H. indicola (Rhinotermitidae), from India. Bulletin of Entomology, 23: 1-4.

  416. Roonwal, M.L. 1982b. The termite Heterotermes indicola as a pest of the vegetable Karela or bitter gourd (Momordia charantia) in the Indian Desert. Annals of Arid Zone, 21(3): 131-133.

  417. Roonwal, M.L. 1982c. Fauna of the Great Indian Desert. Past and present composition, zoogeography, ecology, biology, physiology and conservation. In Desert Resources and Technology (Edited By Alam Singh), Volume 1: 1-86 (8 pls.). Jodhpur (Scientific Publishers and Geotech-Academia).

  418. Roonwal, M.L. 1983a. The ecology of termite swarming in the Indian Desert. In Insect interrelations in Forest and Agroecosystems (Edited By P.K. Sen-Sharma, S.K. Sangal and S.K. Kulshrestha): 9-13. Dehradun  (Jugal Kishore & Co.).

  419. Roonwal, M.L. 1983b. Universal occurrence of external cuticular, micro-scopic papillae and allied structures as an essential character of termites (Isoptera, Insecta), and redefinition of the order. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 211(1-2): 137-144.

  420. Roonwal, M. L. 1983c. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites. XIII. Order Isoptera. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 49(5): 359-391(4 pls.).

  421. Roonwal, M. L. 1984. The abdomen, genitalia and accessory structures in termites (Isoptera). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of India, No. 9: 1-79.

  422. Roonwal, M.L. 1985a. Wing microsculpturing in temrites (Isoptera) under the scanning electron microscope. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 215(3-4): 219-230.

  423. Roonwal, M. L. 1985b. Scanning electron microscopic studies of wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera). I. Genera Heterotermes and Microtermes. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, (B) 51(1): 6-14 (4 pls).

  424. Roonwal, M. L. 1985c. The Har Swarup Memorial Lecture. Recent Researches on wing microsculturing in termites (Isoptera), and its evolutionary and biological significance Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, (B) 51(3): 135-168 (12 pls).

  425. Roonwal, M. L. 1985d. Scanning electron microscopic studies of wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera). II. Genera Amitermes and Eremotermes (Termitidae, Amitermitinae Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, (B) 51(3): 310-318.

  426. Roonwal, M. L. 1986. Second contribution to wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera) under the scanning electron microscope. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 216: 81-89.

  427. Roonwal, M. L. 1988. Field ecology and soldier polymorphism in the Indian Sand Termite, Psammotermes rajasthanicus (Rhinotermitidae, Psammotermitinae). Indian Journal of Entomology, 47(4): 455-460.

  428. Roonwal, M. L. and Bose, G. 1960. A new termite, Psammotermes rajasthanicus sp. nov. from Rajasthan, India. Science and Culture, 26(1): 38-39.

  429. Roonwal, M. L. and Bose, G. 1961. A redescription of the Indian termite, Odontotermes bellahunisensis Holmgren & Holmgren With description of new subspecies from Rajasthan. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society 58(3): 480-494, 2 pls.

  430. Roonwal, M. L. and Bose, G. 1962. An African genus Psammotermes in Indian termite fauna, with fuller description of P. rajasthanicus from Rajasthan, India. Record of the Indian Museum, 58(3-4)(1960): 151-158, 2 pls.

  431. Roonwal, M. L. and Bose, G. 1964. Termite fauna of Rajasthan, India Zoologica, 40(3) (Heft 113): VI + 58 pp., 5 pls.

  432. Roonwal., M. L. and Bose, G. 1965. Zoogeography of Andaman and Nicobar termites. Bulletin of Systematic Zoology, 1(1): 3-4.

  433. Roonwal., M. L. and Bose, G. 1969. Fauna of Rajasthan, India. Part 4. A check-list of Rajasthan termits (Insecta: Isoptera). Records of the zoological Survey of India, 61 (3-4) (1963): 437-450d, 4 pls.

  434. Roonwal., M. L. and Bose, G. 1970a. Taxonomy and zoogeography of the termite fauna of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indian Ocean. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 62 (3-4) (1964): 109-170d, 4 pls.

  435. Roonwal, M.L. and Bose, G. 1970b. Scaly serrations on spines and apical spurs of tibia in the Himalayan Termite Archotermopsis wroughtoni. Science andCulture, 36(12): 673.

  436. Roonwal., M.L. and Bose, G. 1978. Vegetational distribution of termites of Rajasthan (India) and their economic importance. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy,  (B) 44(5): 320-329 + I (addendum).

  437. Roonwal., M.L. and Bose, G. 1988. The harvest termites (Anacanthotermes) of the Indian Region. Identity, distribution and biology (Isoptera, Hodotermitidae). Occasional Papers on records of the zoological Survey of India, No. 111: 1-61.

  438. Roonwal., M.L. and Bose, G. and Verma, Sc. 1984. The Himalayan Termite, Archotermopsis wroughtoni (synonyms radcliffei and deodarae). Identity, distribution and biology. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 81(3-4): 315-338, 2 pls.

  439. Roonwal., M.L. and Chhotani, O.B.. 1959a. New neotropical element (Anoplotermes) in Indian termite fauna. Nature, 184: 1967-1968.

  440. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1959b. New termites (Odontotermes) from southern India. Science and Culture, 25(5): 325-326.

  441. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1960a. Systematics of Oriental termites. VI. Fuller description of two species of Odontotermes from India. The Indian Journal of argicultural Sciences, 29(4): 57-68.

  442. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1960b. Anoplotermes shillongensis sp. nov., a new termite form Assam, India, Science and Culture, 25(12): 701.

  443. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1960c. Soldier caste found in the termite genus Speculitermes. Science and Culture, 26(3): 143-144.

  444. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1961a. The termite Macrotermes gilvus malayanus (Haviland) (Termitidae) in Burma. Proceedings of the  national Institute of Sciences of India, (B) 27(5): 308-316, 2 pls.

  445. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1961b. The more important wood-destroying termites of India. Proceedings of Symposium on Timber & Allied Products (New Delhi, May 1959): 89-96. New Delhi (National Building Organisation, Government of India).

  446. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1962a. The mound of the termites Odontotermes feae in India. 2nd All India Congress of Zoology, (Varanasi;1962), Abstracts : 85.

  447. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1962b. A new species and a new subspecies of the termite Speculitermes  (Termititdae, Amitermitinae) from India. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 168: 57-63.

  448. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1962c. Termite fauna of Assam region, eastern India. Proceedings of the National Institute of Sciences of India, (B) 28(4): 181-406, 26 pls.

  449. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1962d. Indian Species of Termite Genus Coptotermes, ix + 115 pp. (18 pls.). Delhi (Indian Council for Agricultural Research, Entomology, Monoger No. 2), [Manager of Publications, Government of  India.]

  450. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1962e. A new neotropical element (Anoplotermes) in the Indian termite fauna, with fuller description of a shillongensis from Assam. Records of the Indian Museum, 58(3 and 4) (1960): 159-168, 1 pl.

  451. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1963a. Termite Odontotermes Obesus (Rambur): Royal Chamber with four queens and two kings. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 59(3):  975-976, 2 pls.

  452. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1963b. Discovery of the Termite genus Procryptotermes (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) from Indo-Malayan Region, with a new species from India. Biologisches Zentrablatt, 82(3): 265-273.

  453. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1964a. Systematics of Oriental termites. A new termite, Odontotermes Mathadi, from India and the image imago of O. meturensis R. and C. (Isoptera: Termitidae). Beitrage Entologie 14(1-2): 45-52.

  454. wal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1964b. Systematics of Oriental termites. No. 8. Two new species of Speculitermes from India. Indian Journal of agricultural Sciences, 34: 120-130.

  455. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1965a. Two new species of  Euhamitermes Holmgren [Insecta: Isoptera: Termitidae ] from India. Proceedings of zoological Society of Calcutta, 18 (1): 11-19.

  456. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1965b. Zoogeography of termites of Assam Region, India, with remarks on speciation. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 62(1): 19-31.

  457. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1966a. The mound of the termite Odontoterms feae in India. Proceedings of the Second All-India Congress of Zoology (Varanasi 1962) Part 2: 426-428, 2 pls.

  458. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1966b. Soldier and other castes in termite genus Speculitermes and phylogeny of Anoploterms Spculitermes complex. Biologisches Zentralblatt, 85(2): 183-210.

  459. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1967a. Indian wood-destroying termites. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 63(2) (1966): 354-364, 2 pls.

  460. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1967b. Wing microsculpturing in termite genera Odontotermes, Hypotermes and Microtermes (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae), and its taxonomic value. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 178: 236-262, 1 flanged table.

  461. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1971. Two new termites of genus Angulitermes Sjostedt (Isoptera: Termitidae) from India, with a key to species of Indian Region. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 63 (1-4): 209-222.

  462. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1977. Ergebnisse der Bhutan – Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischn Museums Basel. Isoptera (termites). Entomologica Basiliensia, 2: 39-84.

  463. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani, O.B. 1986. The identity of South Asian termite Indotermes rongrensis (R. & C.) (Synonyms Speculitermes cyclops rongrensis and I. bangladeshiensis). (Isoptera, Indotermitidae). Records of the zoological Survey of India, 83 (3 & 4): 155-163.

  464. Roonwal, M.L. and Chhotani O.B. 1989. Fauna of India-Isoptera    (Termites).Volume I. viii + 672 + I pp. (Publication of the Zoological Survey of India).

  465. Roonwal, M.L. Chhotani, O.B. and Bose, G. 1962. Some recent zoogeographical findings in Indian termites. In Termites in Humid Tropics (Proceedings of the New Delhi Symposium, 1960): 51-54, 1 pl. Paris (Unesco).

  466. Roonwal, M.L., Chhotani, O.B. and Verma, S.C. 1981.Evolution and systematic significance of wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera). X. Subfamily Nasutitermitinae of family Termitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 47(3): 341-369 (3 pls.).

  467. Roonwal, M.L. and Krishana, K. 1955. Systematics of oriental termites. II. A new species, Coptotermes gaurii, from Ceylon. Indian Journal of agricultural Sciences, 25(2): 143-152.

  468. Roonwal, M.L. and Maiti, P.K. 1965. First record of termite genus Postelectrotermes (Kalotermitidae) from India, with description of a new species. Indian Journal of Entomology, 27(3): 255-261.

  469. Roonwal, M.L. and Maiti, P.K. 1966. Termites from Indonesia, including West Irian. Treubia, 27(1): 63-140.

  470. Roonwal, M.L. and Pant, G.D. 1953. A Systematic Catalogue of the Main Identified Entomological Collection at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. Part 9. Isoptera. Indian Forest Leaflet. (Entomology), No. 121 (3): 39-60.

  471. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1972. Sex ratios, sexual dimorphism, body-weight and moisture-content in two desert termites, Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Hodotermitidae) and Microtermes mycophagus (Termitidae), from India. Annals of arid Zone, 11(1-2): 92-110.

  472. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1975a. Swarming, egg-laying and hatching in the Indian Desert harvester termite, Anacanthotermes macrocephalus (Hodotermitidae). Annals of arid zone, 14 (4): 329-338.

  473. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1977. Third study of evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites: Micrasters in some Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 198(5-6): 298-312.

  474. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1978. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites (Isoptera): New types in the Kalotermitidae and the Hodotermitidae. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 200(3-4): 219-232.

  475. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1979. Egg-wall sculpturing and micropylar apparatus in some termites and their evolution in the Isoptera. Journal of the zoological Society of India, 27(1-2) (1975): 1-17.

  476. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1982. Evolution and systematic significance of wing-micro-sculpturing in termites (Isoptera). XII. Sculpturing on wing scales. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 48(3): 322-343.

  477. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1983. Wing microsculpturing in the small house cockroach, Supella langipalpa (Dictyoptera, Blattidae). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science (Animal Science), 92(4): 333-342.

  478. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1984. Wing microsculpturing in some Embioptera (Insecta), with a new type of structure and ecological and taxonomic considerations. Indian Journal of the Entomology, 45: 323-334.

  479. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1985. Wing microsculpturing in the Brazilian termite family Serritermitidae (Serritermes serrifer, Isoptera), and its bearing on phylogeny. Proceedings of the Indian Academy Science (Animal Science), 94(4): 399-406.

  480. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1986. Wings and wing microsculpturing in the termite family Indotermitidae (Indotermes, Isoptera), and their bearing on phylogeny. Proceedings of the Indian Academy Science (Animal Science), 95(2): 191-197.

  481. Roonwal, M.L. and Rathore, N.S. 1987. Wing microsculpturing in two Arabian species of termite genus Amitermes (Termitidae, Amitermitinae). Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Science (Animal Science), 96(6): 715-719.

  482. Roonwal, M.L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1955. Biology and ecology of orienctal termites (Isoptera). No. 3. Some observations on Neotermes gardneri (Snyder) Family Kanotermitidae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society., 53(2): 234-239, 2 pls.

  483. Roonwal, M.L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1956. Systematics of oriental termites. (Isoptera). No. 3. Zoological Survey of India Collections from India and Burma, with new termties of the genera Parrhinotermes, Macrotermes, Hypotermes and Hospitalitermes. Indian Journal of the agricultural Sciences, 26(1): 1-37.

  484. Roonwal, M.L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1960. Contributions to the Systematics of Oriental termites. xiv + 407 pp. (65 pls.). New Delhi (Entomology, Monograph No. 1, Indian Council for Agricultural Research).

  485. Roonwal, M.L. and Thakur, M.L. 1963. Two new species of termites (Rhinotermitidae), Prorhinotermes shiva and Schedorhinotermes tiwarii, from the Andaman Islands (Bay of Bengal). Indian Journal of  agricultural Sciences, 33(2): 102-117.

  486. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1971. A new termite of genus Postelectrotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from India, with distribution of and keys to oriental species. Indian Zoologist, 2: 83-91.

  487. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1972. A new wood-infesting termite of genus Neotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from India. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 41(3) (1971): 251-256.

  488. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1973a. First record of termite genus Incisitermes Krishna (Kalotermitidae) from Indian Region, with description of a new species from Rajasthan. Zoologischer Anzeiger,  191(5-6) 390-397.

  489. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1973b. Broad-postmentum latigula-group species of termite genus Odontotermes (Termitidae), from the Orient with a new Indian species. Journal of the Indian Academy of the Wood Science, 4(2): 88-91.

  490. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1976. Imago of the wood termite Heterotermes gertudae Roonwal (Rhinotermitidae: Heteromitinae) from North-West Himalayas. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 69: 241-247.

  491. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1977a. A new species of Angulitermes (Isoptera, Termitidae, Termitinae) from the Indian Desert, with some observations on its biology. Entomology Monthly Magazine, 112: 5-12.

  492. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1977b. Re-survey of the termite fauna of Rajasthan, India, and its zoogeography. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 72: 425-480.

  493. Roonwal, M.L. and and Verma, S.C.1980a. Evolution and systematic significance of wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera). VII. Subfamily Amitermitinae of family Termitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 46(3): 250-263.

  494. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1980b. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites (Isoptera). IX. Subfamily Termitinae of family Temitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 46(4): 455-469.

  495. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1983. New data on wing microsculpturing in termites (Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae). Annals of the Entomology, 1(1): 27-34.

  496. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1985. Scanning electron microscopic studies of wing microsculpturing in termites(Isoptera). III Genera Odontotermes and Macrotermes (Termitidae, Macrotermitinae). Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 51(4): 405-412 (4 pls).

  497. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1988. Scanning electron microscopic study of cuticular papillae on tibial spines and spurs of some termites (Mastotermes and Archotermopsis). Indian Journal of the Entomology, 47(4): 452-454, 2 pls.

  498. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1986. Scanning electron microscopic studies of wing microsculpturing in termites (Isoptera). IV. Families Kalotermitidae, and general considerations. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 52(2), 241-266 (13 pls.).

  499. Roonwal, M.L. and Verma, S.C. 1991. The South Asian wood destroying termite, Odontotermes feae (Synonym O. indicus). Identity, biology and economic importance (Termitidae, Macrotermitinae). Occassional Papers on Records of the zoological Survey of India, No. 129: iv + 1 – 33, 2 pls.

  500. Roonwal, M.L. Verma, S.C. and Rathore, N.S. 1973. Imago of the termite Microcerotermes raja (Termitidae: Amitermitinae) from the Indian Desert, with observations on gallery system, swarming and tandem behavior. Journal of the Indian Academy of the Wood Science, 4(1): 22-30.

  501. Roonwal, M.L. Verma, S.C. and Rathore, N.S. 1974. On a new systematic character in termites, the micrasters. Z. zool. System. U. Evolutionsforsch, 12(1): 55-76.

  502. Roonwal, M.L. Verma, S.C. and Rathore, N.S. 1980. Evolution and systematics significance of wing micro-sculpturing in termites (Isoptera). VII. Subfamily Macrotermitinae of family Termitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 46(2): 149-163 (2 pls).

  503. Roonwal, M.L., Verma, S.C. and Thakur, M.L. 1979a. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in Termites (Isoptera). V. Families Mastotermitidae, Termopsidae, Hodotermitidae and Stylotermitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 45(2): 115-128 (2 pls).

  504. Roonwal, M.L., Verma, S.C. and Thakur, M.L. 1979b. Evolution and systematic significance of wing micro-sculpturing in Termites (Isoptera). VI. Family Rhinotermitidae. Proceedings of the Indian national Science Academy, (B) 45(4): 332-353.

  505. Rosen, K. Von. 1912. Neue Termiten aus der zoologischen Staatssammlung in Munchen sowie einigen anderen Sammlungen. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 39: 221-232.

  506. Ruelle, J.E. 1970. A revision of the termite genus Macrotermes from the Ethiopian Region (Isoptera: Termidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (natural History) (Entomology), 24(9): 365-444.

  507. Salihah, Z. 1982. The Cuticular Structures Lining the Alimentary Canal of termites and Their Phylogenetic Significance, Ph. D. thesis, University of Punjab, Lahore, 356 pp.

  508. Sands, W.A. 1965.A revision of the termite subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera, Termitidae) from the Ethiopian Region. Bulletin of the British Museum (natural History) Entomology, Supplementry No. 4: 1-172.

  509. Sands, W.A. 1967. The distribution of nasute termites (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) in the Ethiopian zoogeographical region. Actes Vth Congress U.I.E.I.S (Toulouse July, 1965): 159-172.

  510. Sands, W.A. 1972.The sodierless termites of Africa (Isoptera, Termitidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (national History). Supplementry No. 18: 1-244, 9 pls.

  511. Sands, W.A. 1992.The termite genus Amitermes in Africa and the Middle East. Bulletin of the natural Resources Institute, No. 51: 10-140.

  512. Schmidt, H. (Edited by). 1955. Die Termiten, Ihre Erkennungsmerkmale und wirtschaftliche Bedutung. 309 pp. Leipzig (Akad. Verlagsgesel. Geest & Porting K.-G.).

  513. Seevers, C.H. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fiediana (Zoology), 40:1-334.

  514. Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1965. A new termite genus and species from south India [Insecta: Isoptera: Termitidae]. Proceedings of the zoological Society of Calcutta, 18: 143-148.

  515. Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1966. There new genera of Grallatotermes-complex (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 63(1): 167-184.

  516. Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1968. Phylogenetic relationship of the termite genera of the subfamily Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera: Termitidae). Oriental Insects, 2(1): 1-34.

  517. Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1974. Ecology and biogeography of the termites of India. In: Ecology and Biogegraphy in India (Edited by M.S. Mani): 421- 472. The Hague (W. Junk Publ.)

  518. Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1981. Recent advances in termite research in India, and future strategy. In Progress in Soil Biology and Ecology in India (Edited by G.K. Veeresh): 236-253. Bangalore  (University of Agricultural Science).

  519. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Chatterjee, P.N. 1965. Colony foundation through substitute reproductives in Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann) under laboratory conditions (Insecta: Isoptera). Journal of the Timber Development Association, 11(3): 9-11, 1 pl.

  520. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Mathur. 1957. Further record of occurrence of Cryptotermes dudleyi (Banks) in India (Insecta: Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Current Science 26(12): 399.

  521. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Mishra, S.C. 1972. Seasonal fluctuations of colony composition and population in Neotermes Bosei Snyder (Insecta: Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Journal of the Indian Academy Science, 3(2): 43-48.

  522. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Mishra, S.C. 1978. Population of soldiers in termite colonies (Insecta: Isoptera). Abstracts of Symposia of Ecology of animal Population (Calcutta, Oct. 1978): 68-69.

  523. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Thakur, M.L. 1978. Population ecology of Indian termites. Bulletin of Entomology, 19: 89-99.

  524. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Thakur, M.L. 1979. Termites of Tripura (Insecta: Isoptera). Indian Forest Records (New Series) (Entomology), 13(1): i-ii + 1 – 67 (11 pls.).

  525. Sen-Sarma, P.K. and Thakur, M.L. 1980. On a collection of termites of Kumaon Hills, Uttar Pradesh, India (Insecta: Isoptera). Indian Forest Records (New Series) (Entomology), 14(1): 1 + 1-30.

  526. Sen-Sarma, et al. 1975. Wood Destroying Termites of India (Final Technical Report  PL. 480 Project A7-FS-58). vii + 187 + 2 pp.

  527. Sen-Sarma,P.K. and Verma, S.C. 1983. A review of the Nasutitermitinae (Isoptera: Termitidae) from India. Oriental Insects, 17: 79-108.

  528. Silvestri, F.1901. Nota preliminare sui Termitidi Sud-Americani. Bolletino dei Musei di Zoologia e Anatomia comparata, Torino, 16(389): 1-8.

  529. Silvestri, F.1909. In Michaelsen, W. and Harteneyer, R., Die Fauna Sudwest Australia, 2(17): 279-314.

  530. Silvestri, F.1914. Zoological results of Abor Expedition, 1911-12, XXXII. Termitidae. Records of the Indian Museum, 8 (5): 425-435.

  531. Silvestri, F. 1923. The Fauna of an island in the Chilka Lake.Part-III No. 1.The termites of Barkuda Island. Records of the Indian Museum, 25 (2): 221-232.

  532. Silvestri, F.[In J.B. Bathellier]. 1927 [New species of termites from Indo-China.] In Contributions a 1’ etude systematque et biologique des termites de 1’ Indochine. (Fauna colonie Francaise), Paris,: 1 + 121-365 + 3. (New termites, pp. 132, 175, 177, attributed by Bathellier to Silvestri.)

  533. Silvestri, F.1939. Compendio di Entomologia Applicata (Agraria-Forestale-Medica-Veterinaria). Volume 1 (2), Parte special, : 449-974. Portici (Tipographia Bellavista).

  534. Silvestri, F.1947. Seconda nota su alcuni termitofili del’ Indocina con una appendice sul Macrotermes barneyi Light. Bull. Lab. Ent. Agr. Portici, 7: 13-40.

  535. Sjostedt, Y. 1900. Monographie der Termiten Afrikas. Kongliga  Svenska VetenskapsAkademiens Handlingar, 34(4): 1-236.

  536. Sjostedt, Y. 1904. Monographie der Termiten Afrikas. Kongliga  Svenska VetenskapsAkademiens Handlingar,38(4): 1-120, 4 pls.

  537. Sjostedt, Y. 1925. Nevue Termiten aus Africa und Madagascar. Konowia, 4(1&2): 53-55.

  538. Sjostedt, Y. 1926. Revision der Termiten Afrikas. 3. Monographie. Kongliga  Svenska VetenskapsAkademiens Handlingar, (3) 3(2): 1-419, 16 pls.

  539. Smeathman, H. 1781. Some Account of the termites which are found in Africa and other hot climates. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London, 71(1): pp. 139-192, 4 pls.

  540. Snyder, T.E. 1920. Two new termites from Arizona. Proceedings of the entomological Society of Washington, 22(2): 38.

  541. Snyder, T.E. 1923. A new Reticultitermes from the orient. Journal of the Washington Academy of Science, 13(6): 107-109.

  542. Snyder, T.E. 1933. New termites from India. Proceedings of the United State national Museum, 82(Art. 16): 1-15, 1 pl.

  543. Snyder, T.E. 1934. New termites from India. Indian Forester Records (Entomology), 20 (11): 1-28.

  544. Snyder, T.E. 1935. Our Enemy, the Termite. xii + 196 pp. Ithaca, N.Y. (Comstock Publ. Co.).

  545. Snyder, T.E. 1948. Our Enemy, the Termite, (Revised edition), xii + 257 pp., frontpce. London (Constable & Co.); Ithaca, N.Y. (Comstock Publ. Co.).

  546. Snyder, T.E. 1949. Catalog of the termites (Isoptera) of the world. Smiths misc. Colls., 112 : 2 + 490 pp.

  547. Snyder, T.E. 1956. Annotated subject-heading bibliography of termites : 1350 B.C. to A.D. 1954. Smiths. Misc. Colls., 130: iv + 305 pp.

  548. Snyder, T.E. 1961. Supplement to the annotated subject heading bibliography of termites, 1955 to 1960. Smiths. Misc. Colls., 143(3), 4 + 137 pp.

  549. Snyder, T.E. 1968. Second supplement to the annotated subject heading bibliography of termites, 1961-65. Smiths misc. Colls., 152(3): 4 + 188.

  550. Speath, Virginia Ann, 1964. Three new species of termites from Israel (Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Israel Journal of Zoology, 13: 27-33.

  551. Su, N. and Tamashiro, M. 1987. An overview of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in the world. In Biology and Control of the Formosan Subterranean Termite (Proceedings of international Symposia of Formosan Subterrian Termite, 67 Meeting of pacific Entomology Society Of America, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1985): 3-14.

  552. Summer, E.C. 1933. The species of the termite genus Zootermopsis Emerson (=Termopsis Hagen). California University Publication, Entomology, 6(7): 197-229.

  553. Thakur, M.L. 1973. Bioecology and zoogeography of the termite genus Cryptotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in the Indian region. Abstracts of Symposia of Oriental Entomology (Calcutta. Nov. 1973): 30.

  554. Thakur, M.L. 1974. Hitherot unknown imago caste of Stylotermes bengalensis Mathur et Chhotani (Isoptera: Stylotermitidae). Indian Forester, 100(11): 692-695.

  555. Thakur, M.L. 1975a. Hitherto unknown imago caste of Microcerotermes minor Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Indian Forester, 101 (9): 565-568.

  556. Thakur, M.L. 1975b. Further records of occurrence of termite genus Procryptotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in the Indian Region, with a new species from South India. Journal of Indian Academy of Wood Science, 6(1): 29-36.

  557. Thakur, M.L. 1975c. Two new species of termite genus Stylotermes Holmgren and Holmgren (Isoptera: Stylotermitidae) from the Indian Region. Journal of Indian Academy of Wood Science, 6(2): 94-105.

  558. Thakur, M.L. 1975d. Zoogeography of termites of north-western Himalayan region. Indian Forester, 101 (6): 341-345, 2 pls.

  559. Thakur, M.L. 1976a. A new nasute termite from south India (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 72(3): 781-785, 2 pls.

  560. Thakur, M. L. 1976b. A new termite Pericapritermes topslipensis sp. nov. (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae) from South India. Journal of the Timber Development Association of India, 12(2): 12-14, 2 pls.

  561. Thakur, M. L. 1976c. First record of occurrence of termite genus Ceylonitermes Holmgren, from India, with a new species from Kerala (Isoptera: Termitidae: Nasutitermitinae). Journal of the Timber Development Association of India, 12(2): 15-17, 2 pls.

  562. Thakur, M. L. 1977. On the specific identity of termite Reticultitermes assamensis Gardner (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae) from Assam, India, Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 74(1): 191-195.

  563. Thakur, M. L. 1978a. A new species of termite genus Neotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from Kerala, South India. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 9(1): 57-61.

  564. Thakur, M. L. 1978b. New observation on the swarming behavior in nature in Odontotermes assmuthi Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae). Indian Forester, 104 (9): 638.

  565. Thakur, M. L. 1978c. The Problem of termite damage in poplars in the Bhabar-tarai region of Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of the Forestry, 1(3): 217-222, 2 pls.

  566. Thakur, M. L. 1978d. Imago caste of Neotermes magaoculatus megaoculatus Roonwal et Sen-Sarma (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from Kumaon Hills, Uttar Pradesh, Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 75: 143-147.

  567. Thakur, M. L. 1980a. Bioecology and zoogeography of termie genus Cryptotermes (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in the Indian Region. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 76(1) (1979): 106-114.

  568. Thakur, M. L. 1980b. Ecobiogeography of termites of the Indian arid ecosystem. Sociobiology, 5: 115-131.

  569. Thakur, M. L. 1980c. A new species of genus Neotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) from the Indian Region. Bulletin of the Entomology, 14 (1973): 91-96.

  570. Thakur, M. L. 1981. Revision of the termite genus Odontotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) from India. Indian Forestry Records (New Series) Entomology, 14(2): 1-134, pls. 1-53.

  571. Thakur, M. L. 1984a. Further records of the occurrence and incidence of damage by termites of the genus Cryptotermes Banks in India (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 81(2), pp. 497-500.

  572. Thakur, M. L. 1984b.  Glyptotermes tripurensis sp. nov. Isoptera: Kalotermitidae from Tripura, India. Bulletin of the Entomology, 25(2): 151-155.

  573. Thakur, M. L.and Chatterjee, P. N. 1969. A new species of Psedocapritermes Kemner from India (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae). Oriental Insects, 3(2): 189-192.

  574. Thakur, M. L. and Chatterjee, P. N. 1970. The imago caste of Doonitermes capillosus Chatterjee and Thakur (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae). Oriental Insects, 4(2): 159-164.

  575. Thakur, M. L. and Chatterjee, P. N. 1971. Two new species of termite genus Dicuspiditermes Krishna (Family Termitidae, subfamily termitinae) from Goa, India. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 187 (1/2): 72-81.

  576. Thakur, M. L. and  Chatterjee, P. N. 1974. Euhamitermes dentatus sp. nov. (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae) from South India. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 5(2): 72-75.

  577. Thakur, M. L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1973. A new species of termite genus Doonitermes Chatterjee and Thakur (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae) from West Bengal, India. Bulletin of the Entomology, 14: 85-90.

  578. Thakur, M. L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1979. Revision of termite genus Heterotermes Froggatt (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae) from the Indian Region. Indian Forest Records (New Series) (Entomology), 13(2): 1 + 1 + 1-27.

  579. Thakur, M.L. and Sen-Sarma, P.K. 1980. A flourishing colony of Coptotermes heimi (Insecta: Isoptera) in a naval boat. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 76(1979): 188-189.

  580. Thakur, R.K. 1984. Additions to the termite fauna of the Thar Desert. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 81(2): 496-497.

  581. Thakur, R.K. and Rathore, N.S. 1982. On the occurrence of Cryptotermes bengalensis Snyder (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in Gujarat, India. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 79(3): 699-700.

  582. Thapa, R.S. 1982. Termites of Sabah (East Malaysia). Sabah Forestry Record, No. 12: iv + 1-374.

  583. Tikader, B.K. and Chhotani, O.B. 1987. General information, with lists of faunistic surveys conducted and collecting localities in Orissa state, India. Fauna of Orissa Part I, State fauna Series 1: 1-23.

  584. Truckenbrodt, W. 1971. Untersuchungen am Ei-Chorion der Termite Kalotermes flavicollis Fabr. unter normalen Bedingungen und nach Behandlung des Weibchens mit Cobcemid (Insecta, Isoptera). Z. Moroh. Tiere., 69 ; 48-81.

  585. Tsai, P.H. and Chen, N.S. 1963. Termites from South china. [In Chinese, with English summary.]. Acta entomologica Sinica, 12(2): 167-198.

  586. Tsai, P.H. and Chen, N.S. 1964. Problems on the classification and fauna of termies in China. Acta entomologica Sinica, 13(1): 25-37.

  587. Tsai, P.H. and Huang, F.S. 1980. The Chinese Termites.  [In Chinese.] 56 pp. Peking (Science Press, Academia Sinica).

  588. Tsai, P.H. and Huang, F.S. 1982. Parrhinotermes khasii ruiliensis ssp. nov. from China, with notes on the distribution of the genus Parrhinotermes Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae). [In Chinese with English summary.] Acta entomologica Sinica. 25: 306-310.

  589. Tsai, P.H. and Huang, F.S. 1983. A taxonomy of the subfamily Heterotermitinae. (In Chinese)  Acta Entomologica Sinica, 26: 43-436.

  590. Tsai, P.H, Huang, F.S. and Li, K.S. 1977. Notes on the genus Reticulitermes (Isoptera) from China, with descripitons of new subgenera and new species. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 20(4): 465-475.

  591. Tsai, P.H, Huang, F.S. and Zhu, S.M. 1984. Two new species of genera Indotermes and Sinotermes from Yunnan, China (Isoptera: Termitdae). [In Chinese with English summary]. Zoological Research, 5: 289-294.

  592. Tu. T. 1975. The termites of Formosa. Formosan Science, 9: 80-87.

  593. Tuxen, S.L. (Edited by). 1956. Taxonomist’s Glossary of Genitalia in Insects (2nd Edition). 359 pp. Copenhagen (E. Munksgaard).

  594. Van Boven, J.K.A. 1969. The termite types of the Wasmann Collection in the Natuurhistorisch Musem of Maastricht. Publication of Natural history Genootsch Limburg, 19(1-2): 37-61.

  595. Verma, S.C. 1976. Nest and nest building behaviour of the termite, Postelectrotermes nayari (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Bull. Ethol. Soc. India.1(3): 64-67.

  596. Verma, S.C. 1977a. Influence of juvenile hormone analogue, fornesyl methyl ether, on caste differentiation in termite Postelectrotermes nayari Roonwal & Verma, 1971. Indian Journal of experimental Biology, 15(7): 564-565.

  597. Verma, S.C. 1977b. Hitherto unknown imago caste of Postelctrotermes nayari Roonwal and Verma, 1971 (Isopetera: Kalotermitidae). Indian Forester, 103: 220-224.

  598. Verma, S.C. 1980. Termites (Insecta: Isoptera). In Fauna of Corbett National Park (by B.S. Lamba and R. K. Bhatnagar). Chaetal, 21(2-3): 45-46.

  599. Verma, S.C. 1983. A new species of the termite genus Pericapritermes Silvestri (Termitidae: Termitinae) from Kerala, India, with distribution and keys to Oriental species of the genus. Indian Journal of Forestry, 6(4): 296-301.

  600. Verma, S.C. 1984a. On a collection of termites (Isoptera: Insecta) from Nagaland, North-east India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 7(1): 81-82.

  601. Verma, S.C. 1984b. Termites from Jammu and Kashmir State (India), with new records, key and remarks on zoogeography. Indian Journal of Forestry, 7(4): 305-314.

  602. Verma, S. C. 1984c. Associations of eight species of termites (Isoptera) in a small log in India. Annals of Entomology, 2(2): 45-48.

  603. Verma, S. C. 1984d. On a collection of termites (Insecta: Isotera) from Kerala (India) with a new species of and keys to the Indian species of Angulitermes Sjostedt. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 81(3-4): 237-254.

  604. Verma, S. C. 1985a. On a Collection of termites (Insecta: Isoptera) from Kerala (India) with a new species of Pseudocapritermes Kemmer (Part II). Indian Journal of Forestry, 8(3): 176-183. (Errata in Indian Journal of Forestry, 8(4): 341, 1985).

  605. Verma, S. C. 1985b. Microcerotermes pakistanicus Akhtar ( Termitidae: Amitermitinae) from Kerala, India, with description of hitherto unknown imago and worker castes. Annals of Entomology, 3(1): 53-58.

  606. Verma, S. C. 1986a. Associations in termite (Insecta: Isoptera) species from India. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 17(1): 46-52.

  607. Verma, S. C. 1986b. The mound of the termite Odontotermes parvidens, with associated nest of Euhamitermes lighti and Microtermes unicolor (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Doon Valley, Uttar Pradesh, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 9(3): 241-244.

  608. Verma, S. C. 1986c. A new species of termite genus Dicuspiditermes Krishna (Termitidae: Termitinae) from Kerala, India with distribution of the known species of the genus. Annals of Entomology, 3(2): 7-12.

  609. Verma, S. C. 1987. Swarming behaviour of the termite Odontotermes feae (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) in Dehradun (N. W. India). Indian Journal of Forestry, 10 (1): 13-15.

  610. Verma, S. C. 1988. Hitherto unknown queen, soldier and worker castes of Odontotermes dehraduni (Snyder) from Uttar Predesh, India [Termitidae]. Indian Journal of Forestry, 11 (4): 310-315.

  611. Verma, S. C. 1989a. Second type of mound Odontotermes gurdasurensis Holmgren and Holmgren (Termitidae) Haryana, India. Annals of Entomology, 6(2): 71-55.

  612. Verma, S. C. 1989b. Termite pests of forestry and agriculture in Haryana, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 12 (1): 1-6.

  613. Verma, S. C. 1989c. The termite Amitermes belli (Desneux as a pest of Salvadora oleoides, from Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Forestry, 12 (2): 95.

  614. Verma, S. C. 1989d. Termites from Uttar Pradesh Tarai Region (India) with a key for identification of species. Indian Journal of Forestry, 12(4): 296-301.

  615. Verma, S. C. and Bhargava, R. N. 1976. Extension of range of the termite Odontotermes guptai Roonwal and Bose (Isoptera: Termitidae: Macrotermitinae). Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 73; 229-230.

  616. Verma, S.C. and Thakur, R.K. 1976a. New records of termite Odontotermes gurdaspurensis Holmgren & Holmgren (Isoptera: Termitidae : Macrotermitinae) from Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradsh, India. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 7(1): 36-37.

  617. Verma, S.C. and Thakur, R.K. 1976b. On the occurrence of Heterotermes gertrudae Roonwal (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Heterotermitinae) in Dehra Dun Valley, Uttar Pradesh, India. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India,  2(4): 140.

  618. Verma,S.C. and Thakur, R.K. 1977a. New records of termites (Insecta: Isoptera) from Pune, Maharashtra, India. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 3(5): 259-264.

  619. Verma, S.C. and Thakur, R. K. 1977b. New records of termites (Insecta: Isoptera) from Bihar and Orissa. India. Newsletter-Zoological Survey of India, 3(5): 361-365.

  620. Verma, S.C. and hakur, R. K. 1978. A new species of Nasutitermes Banks (Isoptera: Termitinae : Nasutitermitinae) from Corbett National Park. Uttar Pradesh. Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 9(1): 50-55.

  621. Verma, S.C. and Thakur, R. K. 1979. Colony foundation by budding in Euhamitermes lighti Snyder (Isoptera: Termitidae: Amitermitinae) Journal of the Indian Academy of Wood Science, 10(2): 88-89.

  622. Verma, S. C. and Thakur, R. K. 1982. Termites form Madhya Pradesh, India, with new distributional records. Records of the zoological Survey of India, 79(3-4): 311-318.

  623. Vishnoi, H. S. 1957. The swarming termites of Delhi. Journal of the Bombay natural History Society, 54: 792-793.

  624. Vishnoi, H. S. 1962. A review of termite fauna from Delhi and its environs. In: Termites in the Humid Tropics  (Proceeindgs of New Delhi Symposia, 1960): 107-109. Paris (Unesco).

  625. Walker, F. 1853. List of Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part 3 (Termitidae-Ephirmeridae). 4 + 477-585 pp. London (British Museum of Natural History).

  626. Walker, F. 1893. Einige neue Termiten aus Ceylon und Madagaskar, mit Bemerkugen uber deren Gaste. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 12(7): 239-247.

  627. Wasmann, E. 1894. Kritisches Verzeichnis der myrmekophilen und termitophilen Arthropoden. Mit Angabe der Lebensweise und mit Beschreibung neuer Arten. xvi + 231 pp. Berlin.

  628. Wasmann, E. 1896a. Die Myromekophilen und Termitophilen. C.R. 3rd International Congress of Zoology.(Leyden, 1895): 410-440.

  629. Wasmann, E. 1896b. Neue Termitophilen und Termiten aus Indien. I-III. (Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Biramania e regione vicine. LXXII.) Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova, 36(Ser. 2 Volume 16):  613-630, 2 pls.

  630. Wasmann, E. 1896c. Neue Termitophilen und Termiten aus Indien. IV (Nachtrag). (Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regione vicine. LXXII). Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova,  37(Ser. 2 Vol. 17): 149-152.

  631. Wasmann, E. 1897. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regione vicine. LXXVII. Einige neu termitophile Myrmedonien aus Birma. Annali del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Genova, 38 (Ser. 2, Volume 18): 28-31.

  632. Wasmann, E. 1899a. Neue Termitophilen und Myremecophilen aus Indien Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift ,1899 (1): 145-169, 2 pls.

  633. Wasmann, E. 1899b. G.D. Haviland’s Beobachtungen uber die Termitophile von Rhopalomalus angusticollis Boh. Verhandlungen Zoologisch – botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 49: 245-249.

  634. Wasmann, E. 1899c. Neue Termitophilen mit einer ubersicht uber die Termitengaste. Verhandlungen Zoologisch– botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 49: 647-658.

  635. Wasmann, E. 1902a. Termiten, Termitophilen and Myrmekophilen, gesamelt auf Ceylon von Dr. W. Horn, 1899, mit andern ostindischen Material bearbeitet. 129. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mymekophilen und der Termitophilen. Zoologische Jahrbuecher (Systematik), 17(1): 99-164, 2 pls.

  636. Wasmann, E. 1902b. Verzeichnis der von Dr. W. Horn auf Ceylon 1899 gesammelten Termiten. Termitophilen und Myrmekophilen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 46(1): 79-80.

  637. Wasmann, E. 1905. Die phylogenetische umbildung ostindischer Ameisengaste und Termitengaste. C.R. 6th International Congress of Zoology (Berne, 1904), 6: 436-449, 1 pl.

  638. Wasmann, E. 1909. Die phylogenetische Umbildung ostindischer Ameisengaste und Termitengaste. Mitteilungen der Schweizerische, entomologischen Gesesellschaft, 11: 66-70, 1 pl.

  639. Wasmann, E. 1911a. Termitophile Coleopteren aus Ceylon. In Termitenleben auf Ceylon, u.s.w. by K. Escherisch. Systematscher Anhang: Termiten und Termitophilen von Ceylon, pp. 229-232. Jena (G. Fishcer).

  640. Wasmann, E. 1913. Revision der Termitoxeniinae von Ostindien und Ceylon. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique,57: 16-22.

  641. Wasmann, E. 1916. Wissenscheftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Ostindien. V. Termitophile und myrmekophile Coleopteren, Gasammelt von Prof. Dr. V. Buttel-Reepen 1911-1912. Zoologische Jahrbuecher (Systematik), 39(2): 169-210, 2 pls.

  642. Wasmann, E. 1917. Myrmekophile und termitophile Coleopteren aus Ostindien, gesammelt von P.J. Assmuth, S.J. und J.B. Corporael. I. Paussidae und Clavigerinae. I. Teil. The Tijdschrift voor Entomologie,  60(1917-1918): 382-408, 3 pls.

  643. Wasmann, E. 1918. Myrmekophile und termitophile Coleopteren aus Ostindien, hauptsachlich gesammelt von P.J. Assmuth S.J. II. Scarabaeidae. (223. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen und Termitophilen). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 37: 1-23, 2 pls.

  644. Wasmann, E. 1925. Kritische Bemerkungen zur Kenntnis der Myremekophilen und Termitophilen (225. Beitrag.) Biol. Cbl., 45: 136-143.

  645. Wasmann, E. 1934. Die Ameisen, Die Termiten und ihre Gaste. Vergleichende Bilder aus dem Seelenleben von Mensch und Tier. xviii + 148 pp., 9 pls. Regensburg(G.I. Manz).

  646. Weesner, Frances M. 1955. The reproductive system of young primary reproductives of Tenuirostritermes tenuirostis (Desneux). Insects Sociaux, 2: 323-345.

  647. Weesner, Frances M. 1960. Evolution and biology of termites. Annual Review of Entomology, 5: 153-170.

  648. Weesner, Frances M. 1969a. External anatomy. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Vol. 1: 19-47. New York & London (Academic Press).

  649. Weesner, Frances M. 1969b. The reproductive system. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 1: 125-160. New York & London (Academic Press).

  650. Weesner, Frances M. 1970. Termites of the Nearctic Region. In Biology of Termites (Edited by K. Krishna and F.M. Weesner), Volume 2: 477-255. New York & London (Academic Press).

  651. Weidner, H. 1955. Korperbau, Systematik und Verbreitung der Termiten. In Die Termiten. (Edited By H. Schmidt): 5-81. Leipzig (Akad.Verlagsges. Geest & Portig).

  652. Weidner, H. 1958. Termites (Isoptera) aus dem Irak. Ent. Mitt. Zool. Mus. Hamburg. No. 17: 9-16.

  653. Weidner, H. 1960a. Die Termiten von Afghanistan, Iran and Irak (Isoptera). (Contribution a l’etude de la fauna d’ Afghanistan. 29). Abh. u Verh. Naturiwss. Vereins Hamburg, (N.F.). 4 (1959): 43-69.

  654. Weidner, H 1962. Die Macrotermes Arten Burmas. Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde, 35: 129-133.

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