
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets

Soil Treatment

General soil management practices

Soil treatment is a specialised task in protected cultivation. Due care must be taken to cause minimum health harzards to the operators, polyhouse visitors.

Soil treatment in protected cultication - a polyhouse at IARI Farm
Open field situations: 
In annual vegetable (also ornamental) crops, right rotation especially including fallow periods is recommended. In tree-crops like litchi and mango, an indigenous technique of planting turmeric around the tree-basin is said to repel the termites.
Soil management:
  • Deep summer ploughing is recommended before the onset of monsoon.
  • Well decomposed FYM is to be applied to the field.
  • Pre-planting tillage also destroys the tunnels built by termites and restricts their foraging activities and also reduces their damage to crops.
Tillage, irrigation and mulching practices covering soil:
  • Border/bunds on perimeter should essentially be made clean of weeds, and cultivated deep, and soil is drenched with recommended insecticides.
  • Crude method of termiticide application (mostly chlorpyriphos) in the irrigation channel should be avoided.
  • Removing dry sticks, stubbles, bamboo sticks etc. in the field, using well rotten manure, application, avoiding crop residues.
  • Appropriate soil-treatment after mound elimination must be followed. Please see the relevant section (Mound Treatment).


(a) Mounds on the borders/boundaries must be removed, (b) A mound dismantled on border, but not plugged with after appropriate chemical treatment


Last Updated: 27-03-2024

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