
A Contribution of ICAR National Fellow Project

A Web-portal exclusively on Termite R&D Crossed One Million Mark Covering 81 Countries Across the WorldITMM in IYoM 2023: Integrated Termite Management in Millets


Lead-lectures on Termites

  1. 3P4C: an eco-technology for termite management. In: International Conference on Food & Agriculture  (ICFA-2017), 20-22 Feb 2017, The Grand, New Delhi, India.
  2. Mapping of major termites as agricultural pests in India. In: 12th National Symposium on Biotic Stress Management Strategies: Challenges and Environmental Harmonization, 17-19 Feb 2017; Uttar Banga  Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Cooch Behar, WB.
  3. Curriculum development devoted to insecticides and chemical control. In: Prof TN Ananthakrishnan Memorial Lecture/Award/Discussion Meeting – Entomology Curriculum Development, Madras Christian College, Chennai 15-17 Dec 2016 (postponed to 23-24 Feb 2017)
  4. Integrated Pest Management in floriculture for urban and rural prosperity. In: Silver Jubilee National Conference on Floriculture and Landscaping for Urban & Rural Prosperity, Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture, 28-29 February, 2016, ICAR – IARI, New Delhi.
  5. Termites in Agricultural Crops & their Management. In: The XVIII Group Meeting of All India Network Project on Soil Arthropod Pests. CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalya, Palampur (HP). June 19-20, 2015.
  6. Termite management in dry-land agriculture vis-à-vis changing climatic scenario. Invited. 11th National Symposium:  Dynamics of Crop Protection in Agri-horticultural Ecosystems facing Climate Change.23-25 April 2015, MPUAT, Udaipur.
  7. Termites and termitaria. National Entomologists’ Meet - the way forward, February 5-7, 2015, ICAR-Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi, Jharkhand.
  8. Termites - an ideal model of selective and opportunistic r and K strategist caste system. In: Proceed. National Symposium on Entomology as a Science and IPM as a Technology- the way forward, 192p. November 14-15, College of Horticulture and Forestry Central Agricultural University, Pasighat 791002, Arunachal Pradesh. DOI:  10.13140/2.1.4935.5849.
  9. New approaches for termite control in India. In: 10th National Symposium on Biotechnological Approaches for Plant Protection: Constraints & Opportunities. SPPS, Goa, 27-29 Jan 2013.
  10. Lead talk on topic: Push-pull strategy for termite management. In: 3rd National Symposium on Eco-friendly approaches to pest management for sustainable agriculture. SPPE, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, 24-25 Nov 2012.
  11. Lead Speaker on termite management. National Seminar, 3rd Congress on Insect Science, Indian Society for the Advancement of Insect Science, Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana, 18-21 April 2011.
  12. Termite management in agricultural crops – Our experience of control of termites at IARI. (Group meeting). In: 7thDr.S. Pradhan Memorial Lecture, Division of Entomology, IARI, New Delhi. 22 May 2010.

Extensive extension/training tasks are being done in the following projects relevant to Termites

  • IARI-Industry Project: “Social value system development about judicious use of Pesticides and other agro-chemicals and entrepreneurship among youth” Contract Research from Insecticide India Ltd, MoU signed on 12-01-2017.
  • ICAR-Farmer FIRST project “Participatory technology application and multi-stakeholder convergence  for marketled agripreneurship and sustainable rural livelihood” It covers three villages (Palwal block) with 1000 families.
  • MGMG Programme - Villages: Sawada, Ghevra, Jaunti, Tatesar Nizampur, Block: Kanjhawala  District: Delhi.

MoU signature ceremony for ICAR - IARI and IIL on 12-Jan 2017


Trainings on Termites to  School Teachers (Kota, Rajasthan)


Training offered on Termite Topics 

Topic / Lecture
Coordinator/ associated
1.     Identification of termites and their management
5 Dec 16
Technical staff/Officers  of ICAR
(20 nos.)
Resource Person
2.     Pesticide classification
6 Dec 16
3.     Pesticides – practical approach with particular importance to termites
10 Dec 16
4.     Integrated Insect-pest management of crops with special reference to judicious use of insecticides
19 Oct
Farmers & Agriculture officials (NCR-Delhi, Agri. Extension Workers).
5.     Pesticides: safety first
22 Sept
6.     Soil arthropods, molluscs and their management
26 Feb – 18 Mar 2015
Scientists and teachers of ICAR & SAUs.
(25 nos)
  1. Indo-Afghan Training, 4 Individual lectures
Termites & non-insect pests - rodents
1-10 Jan
International trainees– teachers/
scientists of Afghanistan
8.     Invited Lecture on Insect Biodiversity: with special reference to termites. Vacation Programme on Bioresources, Salwan Public School, Gurgaon,
23 May
High school students of Delhi & Haryana.
DBT Aravali Foundation for Education.
9.     Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST, DAV School, Pitampura (Delhi)
5 Oct
High school teachers of NCR, Delhi (30)
Society for Environment & Development (SED), New Delhi.
10. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST, Sonepat (Haryana)
12 May
High school teachers
11. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST, Rudrapur (Uttarakhand)
29 Dec
High school teachers
12. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Shimla
22 May
25 teachers
13. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Chandigarh
13 May
25 (minimum)
14. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Panipat, Haryana
07 March
25    ,,
15. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Faridabad, UP
21 Feb
25    ,,
16. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Patiala, Punjab
17 Dec
25    ,,
17. Teachers’ Training Programme on Social Insects – Termites. Sponsored by DST Kota, Rajasthan
18 Oct
25    ,,
18. Training at CATAT, IARI, New Delhi.
Economic threshold levels of major insect-pests of main food & vegetable crops.
02 Dec
Officials of Govt of Delhi Agril Deptt.
19. Guest Lectures on Insect Biodiversity under the programme DNA Club of Public schools of Delhi, sponsored by DBT through Aravali Foundation of Education.
19, 23, 28 April 2010 
3 – 7 May, 15-16 Aug
High school students of public schools, Kendria Vidyalaya (KVs), students >1000
Invited Lectures
(Nos. 10)
20. 4th Vacation Program on Bioresources, topic Insect biodiversity: teeming millions. Sponsored by DBT, Aravali Foundation for Education, Gurgaon.
5 June 2009
High school students
Invited Lecture (1)


Last Updated: 27-03-2024

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